Recent content by Matias Saibene

  1. Matias Saibene

    Project Boeing 747 Development Thread

    I tested it on OpenOrbiter on Windows and on Linux.
  2. Matias Saibene

    Project Boeing 747 Development Thread

    I've been coding the order of the landing gear animations and I fixed some bugs. Unfortunately, I could not reproduce the errors in the change of liveries and the change of cameras. In summary here is a list of my results: I can't change a livery by pressing "V" in any plane, but maybe I...
  3. Matias Saibene

    Project Boeing 747 Development Thread

    Oh, I thought I already had those bugs fixed. I'm going to test the scenarios back in Windows and debug them. I will do everything I can to solve them. Thanks for the feedback. :cheers: :hailprobe: BTW, I have to update my OpenOrbiter.
  4. Matias Saibene

    Project Boeing 747 Development Thread

    Brilliant! Thank you so much. Today I will be fixing the bugs one by one.
  5. Matias Saibene

    Project Boeing 747 Development Thread

    I guess it should work in Orbiter 2016 too. Could you try it at Orbiter 2016? As far as I know the programming (the API, the SDK) is practically the same (correct me if I'm wrong).
  6. Matias Saibene

    Project Boeing 747 Development Thread

    Well, I finally have an alpha/beta release ready so you can test it and tell me what you think, what I need to improve, and so on. For now I have this and more: Known bugs: Thrust configuration is not realistic. 747-SOFIA sinks in the ground, press G two times to correct it. Fuel...
  7. Matias Saibene

    Orbiter Screenshot Thread

    Testing the Boeing 747-8 in Open Orbiter (on Windows). First trip to Pictown and used up all the fuel. I have to code the ISP better. Releases for test coming soon...
  8. Matias Saibene

    SDK Question Virtual Cockpit best practices

    Wow, looks beautiful. I love the 3D external mesh, and the VC is good too.
  9. Matias Saibene

    Project Boeing 747 Development Thread

    Modeling the Boeing 747 Large Cargo Freighter. There are three models left to complete: the Boeing 747-8, Boeing 747-100 and the Virgin Orbit.
  10. Matias Saibene

    Orbiter Screenshot Thread

    I love that plane. Where can I download it? By the way, the CrousetteAir livery is great.
  11. Matias Saibene


  12. Matias Saibene


  13. Matias Saibene

    Project Boeing 747 Development Thread

    A few changes to the 747 Supertanker, livery change implemented:
  14. Matias Saibene

    Project Boeing 747 Development Thread

    Well, after adapting the code of my HR1 a little, the Boeing 985-121 Microfighter is now flying. VS Code and G++ go brrrr...