Recent content by natey787

  1. natey787

    Speaking of parachutes... why do you get a life-jacket on a plane?

    Air France Flight 4590? That Concorde was in the air for less than thirty seconds.
  2. natey787

    Question What have you done for the betterment of your community?

    I help with LaserFest, a group of physics and engineering students at my university (WVU) that goes to schools and libraries around West Virginia to teach elementary-level kids a little bit about lasers and careers in STEM fields while giving them a laser show. It's really fun!
  3. natey787

    Project No Bloody A, B, C, or D

    It's beautiful!
  4. natey787

    What kind of add-on do you think would change Orbiter forever?

    A MFD that would display HTML files... like OF :)
  5. natey787

    OS WARS MEGA THREAD (Now debating proprietary vs. open-source!)

    Hmm.. Probe is an electronic device. It must have some kind of operating system... What OS does Probe run?
  6. natey787

    Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic

    Well, it's official. Google is trying to take over the world.
  7. natey787

    Orbiter theme song?

    Stargate theme anyone?
  8. natey787

    OHM Remote Control with Send Key function

    Thanks! That is a HUGE help!
  9. natey787

    OFMM Crew

    Or the flag of the United Nations.. quite nice-looking if you ask me.. Also, if there is to be a doctor aboard... could it be named Leonard McCoy?
  10. natey787

    MENTAL deep Mandelbrot fractal set zoom trip to e228 "Last lights on" by teamfresh!!

    This is amazing! Oh, Jonathan Coulton wrote a song about the set; it's quite funny. YouTube- Mandelbrot Set
  11. natey787

    Project New interplanetary ship in progress

    It looks fabulous, Hispa! Just an idea, it might be a way to keep the weight down while keeping the longer truss, but why not turn the engines around and have them in tractor configuration, at a slight angle from the centerline, in the style of the ISV Venture Star and the Valkyrie concept that...
  12. natey787

    Question Life inside interplanetary spacecraft

    There's a passage in Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey (the book) that describes, in detail, a day in the life of David Bowman and Frank Poole on the Discovery One. It is of course very sci-fi, but I would imagine that the 'feel' of it would apply to life on any 'present day' spacecraft.
  13. natey787

    OFMM General Discussions Archive

    That's a very interesting design. I like it a lot. Have you ever read the novel "Titan" by Stephen Baxter? The protagonists use a very similar spacecraft complex for getting to Titan.
  14. natey787

    Poll Cheeseburgers, hamburgers, or hotdogs?

    I can has cheezburger?
  15. natey787

    Mars first or Moon first?

    I see your point, but to "live off" a planet would require the use of local resources. The goal is, eventually, self-sufficiency. That means that everything needed to survive can come from the planet. The Moon has some water, in a few places. It would be useful not only for everything we...