Recent content by Traunmark5

  1. T

    Idea a ummu suggestion that could be essential

    im sorry. i mean in addition to the standard g and b keys. to make interaction more versitile
  2. T

    Idea a ummu suggestion that could be essential

    I think it could be awesome if UMMU could utilize the same kind of grapling that URMS uses. UMMU then could then be used to grab on to anything within range including other ummu. could be realy helpfull in rescue missions. ummu could also grapple to space stations or inside of space stations...
  3. T

    Project Blender 2.63 + to Orbiter import/export addon

    Giving it a go!!! Blender 2.63 is an awesome 3d modle program to work in. extreamly powerfull and i love it. 2 bugs possibly though. the first is with transparancies. when viewing through a transparent face in orbiter the meshes behind it are invisible. not all but most. after setting a...
  4. T

    Request Fix that UCGO unpack bug!

    hope this helps untill the bug is officialy fixed I make a copy of the ucgo config file that is giving me the problem Ex(CargoBaseConnect.cfg). Then I rename the copy to something like (CargoBaseConnectLock.cfg). Open the new config file and set the MeshName to the same mesh as UcUnpackedMesh...
  5. T

    OHM 2001 A Space Odyssey V2.0

    Can not read the documentation for this addon I do not have microsoft word. the doc. file can not be read any other way? Perhaps another format that will allow for reading in txt?
  6. T

    Problem Launch Pad "Help" wont display

    Heres an idea Can the help system be saved in a different format? Perhaps a .pdf for adobe or something?
  7. T

    Problem Orbiter2010 "Help" menu issue

    Help files not working in 2010 version for me. I want to learn the scripting language
  8. T

    OHM GDI MkI Miner.

    using orbiter 2010 and base is invisible. Sounds neat though. Please update.