Recent content by walsjona

  1. W

    Internet Interesting concept comes back.

    Aren't the EVA suits from XR-2 like this?
  2. W

    Discussion SpaceX's Grasshopper RLV

    I'd be interested to see whether it works with the Dragon capsule. I always got the impression it wasn't fesible to land safely using rockets which is why traditionaly all capsule craft have been parachuted back to earth. Plus could the Dragon capsule store enough fuel to perform a deorbit...
  3. W

    News Speed of light broken?

    What about Tachyons? Eisteins theory never rulled out particles traveling faster than the speed of light, just anthing subluminal can't travel faster and anything superluminal can't travel slower, so the speed of light was more like a barrier than an upper limit. The Neutrinos could have been...
  4. W

    Poll Who was first?

    If we look right back to the beginning an thought of the Primordial Hen and Egg question then it has to be the hen first! The egg can only be created by creates that have the capability to create it in the first place. So in otherwords the egg didn't simply come into being it had to be created...
  5. W

    Poll Too many polls today?

    Yes there are too many Polls today and Yes we want more :lol:
  6. W

    Humor Cleverbot...

    This bot is part of a cult!!!! It has a habit of changeing Topic:rofl::facepalm:
  7. W

    Is Interstellar Flight being seriously Considered as part of Orbiter?

    Is it still a Toaster if it tries to kill you (or even has the ability to kill you) ?:shrug: just a question :lol:
  8. W

    Question Multiple stars and double planets

    it may not be probable but dosn't mean those type of systems won't exist, it probably un likly that they could support a stable solar system though :lol:. True, although I think that all the planets in the system do orbit around the centre as if it were the barycentre. At the end of the day...
  9. W

    Minening the Solar System

    If it is possible I think it would be very difficult particular to make it stable. I suppose it depends on how you orbit the planet. Idealy you would use Geostationry orbit but there is no garanty that the winds in the upper atmoshere will not bend and potential break the tether...
  10. W

    Question Multiple stars and double planets

    The Primary light source (so the light that comes from the sun in the normal solar system) will alwasy come from the centre, so if you don't display a texture in the centre but place to sun meshes in orbit around the light source (so effectivly the Bary centre) then you can have a stable binary...
  11. W

    Question Hardest part of Add-on developement

    thing I find the hardest is keeping on one idea long enough! I aways end up experimenting with something which inevitably leeds to something else entirly. I must admit it is driving me abit nutts, I have quite a few models that need finishing :facepalm:.
  12. W

    Minening the Solar System

    I suppose that is what it all boils down to: what would be the point. I was just interested to find out if people thought it was possible. Hydrogen is more or less abundent any where. If you were patient enough you probaly could mine it straight from space its self (though you would probably...
  13. W

    Minening the Solar System

    Is it possible to mine (collect, gather,...) Hydrogen or other Elements and Compounds from the atmosphere of one of our Gas Giants?
  14. W

    Alien Biochemistry

    Thats if you set the experiment up that way. If you say wanted an MgO based life form to prevail then you would set the lab conditions to allow that to happen. Those might be the "natural" conditions underwhich it could exist, however that dosn't mean that those conditions exist in the outside...
  15. W

    Question Whats orbiting just before ISS?

    Not to put a fly in your ointment, but how is this proof of anything other than there is an object ahead of the ISS (abeit an unidentified one). There is of corse loads of junk up there and could quite easily just be that. As much as I'd love to think there was some secret saurcer shuttle I...