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Alysimia city v0.1 (under construction) 2007-10-03


Standard objects used: 3318
Friendly for low end computers (I hope)

This was my beta test city on Mars when I designed Surface Base Wizard.
Indeed it came before and Surface Base Wizard was necessary as the number of objects increased, to privide awareness of placement of objects.

The idea was to create a huge and realistic city, using realistic patterns, instead of merely a group of blocks and tanks.  It was designed to have a nice view even if you walked through the city.

Because of several situations I have not been able to continue making this city, so here it is this work in progress, for test and trial purposes.  I am not sure if I will finish or continue with this city.

The idea was to test the capacity of Orbiter to handle standard objects and to see the impact on FPS.  This city behaved pretty well.

At least you now have a great excuse to try to hover between martian pads and practice hover navigation as you burn some roofs with your engines.

There is no support or guarantee associated to this addon.


-If your Windows does not use dot as decimal symbol, you may need to run this before installing this addon . It is needed during installation only.

-Some portions of Alysimia city seems to be floating.  That's Orbiter bug.


-Canadian singer Bruce Callow.  He had some hits in Australia, UK and US.
-Ruth Madrigal for modelling for this addon
-José Ulloa, editor of Plan9 magazine that brought Atarsia comic to life.
-Man Yu Fung, a remarkable artist who made one of the chinese pictures that is included in this addon and allowed it to be in this surface base.
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