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Centauri Prime (Updated) 2023-09-07


This is a recreation of the planet Centauri Prime from Babylon 5. The exact location of the planet was never actually given in the series, but the name suggested it orbited a star in the constellation Centaurus, and one episode implied it was located about 75 light-years from Epsilon Eridani. For the purpose of this add-on, I gave the location as Gliese 3683, also known as HD 101930, an orange dwarf star located approximately 98 light-years from Earth. As with the Epsilon Eridani and Narn systems, the add-on is based on a combination of the actual planetary system around Gliese 3683 and how it's portrayed in Babylon 5, with Centauri Prime as a fictional planet located within the system’s habitable zone. As for the add-on itself, I promise you won't be disappointed. Enjoy!

Some scenarios require the Centauri base, Primus-class Centauri battlecruiser, Vorchan-class Centauri cruiser, Sentri-class Centauri fighter, Rutharian-class Centauri fighter, Centauri transport, Centauri shuttle, Scarab-class Centauri transport, Balvarian-class Centauri carrier, Kutai-class Centauri gunship, Corvan-class Centauri scout, and Corvan-class gunboat variant add-ons.

This addon has been extensively updated to be more series-accurate and to take advantage of more recent scientific discoveries, with updated physical parameters, the system's location changed to a more suitable and series-accurate one, a new planet, a new readme file, and several new scenarios. For those scenarios featuring add-ons currently awaiting release, an Aurora-type Starfury is employed as a placeholder vessel.
Software License
None Selected (All Rights Reserved / Inferred license)
Supported Orbiter Version
  1. 2010-P1
Luke Reichelt
First release
Last update
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