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LC39A+B for ShuttleFLeet HD 2016-12-22


Hi Orbinauts,  this is the most complex Addon I've every done and is months of work. 
I've tried to make this as accurate as possible with out going too far. I still recommend you use with D3D9 Graphics Client or a very fast computer, or both.
I have modelled both launch pads with the major modifications that where made.
LC39A+B for 1981 to 1986
LC39A+B for 1986 to 1995
LC39A+B for 1995 to 2006
LC39A+B from 2006
also is Launch pads without the MLP for the back ground
example scenarios for each era of the pads and Ares I-X launch
for this you'll need to download Ares I-X Ultra http: //
there is a read me file included for you to cut and paste your own flights
Thanks to Patrice for endless patients and alot of testing and keeping me on my toes every day. also to DaveS for letting me use his MLP as you couldnt beat it, I just added to it.
also to Thorton as the Module from his ISS 3.2 launch pad runs these pads, without it they'd look good, but would not work (control keys in the read me file)
This will over write your ISS 3.2 meshes in the ISSR folder  so back them up if this slows your machine too much. also your Canaveral and KSC config files if your testing this in a new orbiter setup (removes default launch pads).
This is for ShuttleFleet 4.8 but may work with default or SSU I've not tested these.
Thanks to you all and keep the Shuttle Fleet Flying.
updated to correct the scenarios and small Mesh problem,  Alcohol and Addons dont Mix...
Merry Christmas
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