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RTF Stinger Challenge 2012-04-14


This is the RTF Stinger Challenge  scenario that was requested in the Stinger add-on thread.
You must have the RTF StarGate add-on installed and working for this scenario. It goes without saying that you also need the Stinger installed.
About the scenario.
The Stinger was inspired by the Wraith Darts seen in Star Gate Atlantis. In the TV series the Darts are seen traveling through the star gates and that is what this challenge is all about.
The scenario open with you sitting in a Stinger. To your left is a star gate. You have to activate the gate and set the destination to the ISS gate. Then take off and fly through the gate at high speed just like the   Wraith Darts do. Once you manage to go through the gate you then have to dock with the ISS.
It's not easy to do and I have never managed it at high speed but low speed is for wimps and doesn't count.
My only recommendation is to have the Stinger in air surface mode i.e. the RCS system off and having a joystick helps a bit more. Just remember to turn RCS back on after you come out the ISS gate.
During the challenge I asked folks to snap a screen shot just as they were going through the gate as proof they did it. As I remember only one or two people managed.
Good luck  and may the force be with you.
(you'll need it)
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