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StationMods 2009-06-12


**** Updated - missing files were added ****
This add-on was created about a year and a half ago but was never completed. Orginaly it was intended to be an alternate history USAF program of the early 1980s where the USAF build a manned polar orbiting spy and weapons platform. There are some senarios with this theme. Other scenarios are an eccliptic based station and various payloads with various launch trajectories on various launchers. Station Mods is basicily a handfull of space station modules that have some unique functions. The following is a list and discription of all the pieces.

CM1 = [Keys: Solar Panels=K Comms dish=G] Command Module 1 (CM1) is the core of the space station and is usually the first module you put into orbit. It presumably contains the life support systems as well as the main computers systems. It can be launched from the Gamma1, Gamma5 or the Space Shuttle. It has a grapple point for use with robotic arms and attachment suited for the Space Shuttle cargo bay.

10mHab = [Keys=None] The main Habitation type module. It can be launched from the Gamma1, Gamma5 or the Space Shuttle. It has a grapple point for use with robotic arms and attachment suited for the Space Shuttle cargo bay.

MainNode = [Keys=None] The 6 sided node is used to link peices of the station together. It can be launched from the Gamma1, Gamma5 or the Space Shuttle. It has a grapple point for use with robotic arms and attachment suited for the Space Shuttle cargo bay.

SolarMod = [Keys: Solar Panels= K Radiators=G] This is the solar panel module. It is rather large when unfolded and is intended to be attached to the MainNode. It can be launched from the Gamma1, Gamma5 or the Space Shuttle. It has a grapple point for use with robotic arms and attachment suited for the Space Shuttle cargo bay.

SpyMod = [Keys: Signals Intel Dishes=K Stereo Optics=G Laser Mic=Shift+Num Pad 0 Laser on/off=Shift+ Num Pad 1] The Spy module has many tools. 2 extendable signals intellegence dishes provide triangulation capability. Extendable telescopes for stereo optics, creating a 3d image for controlers on the ground. A laser microphone capable of hearing and recording a person whispering. And a pressurised tunnel for humman passage. It can be launched from the Gamma1, Gamma5 or the Space Shuttle. It has a grapple point for use with robotic arms and attachment suited for the Space Shuttle cargo bay.

RFGMod = [Keys: Open Weapons Bay=K Launch RFG=J] RFG or Rods From God a basicly solid projectiles dropped from orbit as a weapon. The RFGmod has only 2 launchable RFGs, Reagan and Bush. After launching an RFG, switch to the RFG and use the Scenario Editor to fill the fuel up. Use translation attitude thrusters NUM PAD 8 for the de-orbit burn.

RocketMod = [Keys=None] The Rocket Module is a medium sized, space lit, LH/LOX booster that can be used to boost payloads or the Achillies to higher orbits or to the Moo
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