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STPSP: Vulcan (Update 3.0) 2023-04-19


STPSP: Vulcan is part eight of the Star Trek Planetary Systems Project (STPSP). This is an attempt to accurately simulate the major planetary systems in the Star Trek universe. A fan of the series almost since birth, I wanted to be able to re-create these systems so that it would be possible to create scenarios in them. The Vulcan system is home to three planets, two moons, and one surface base. The planetary arrangement is based on a book called the Star Trek Star Charts. Some of the bases require the Frontier 55 Cancri addon for meshes. Additionally, you will require the Surak-class Vulcan Warp Cruiser, D’kyr-class Vulcan cruiser, T’Pau-class cruiser (currently awaiting release by Trekkie), and Vulcan Warp Sled for the scenarios. As for this add-on, I promise that you won’t be disappointed. Enjoy!

This is perhaps my most extensive update so far, with a completely revamped readme file, a new texture for Vulcan (because as much as I liked the old one, it kind of stuck out like a sore thumb and wasn't really accurate to how the planet looked on-screen), T'Khut's mass adjusted to be more realistic for the planet's size, and a new scenario file.
Software License
None Selected (All Rights Reserved / Inferred license)
Supported Orbiter Version
  1. 2010-P1
Luke Reichelt
First release
Last update
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