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UN Moon Mission 1967 2012-10-21

orbiter 2012-10-21 22-49-31-58.jpg

In 1967 the USSR and the USA find an accord proposed by the United Nations in which they state and agree to organize a coalition to send manned crews to the moon.The craft would consist of a Soyuz TM craft, an Apollo CSM and the LEM and at last a central module named 'Union' made by the Russians. The engine of the CSM would be used for the orbit and orbit eject maneuvers, the Soyuz engine would only be used for minor course corrections. The crews would reenter with their respective module.
 A total of 6 people would go to the moon for one mission, 3 from Russia and 3 from USA. Only four of them would go to the surface in the modified LEM two pilots in the front as in the conventional Apollo Program and two other crew members behind them, all standing of course. On the landing site, a small Russian rover would have carried O2 tanks to the moon a few weeks prior to the arriaval of the mission.
 Power on the small station would be provided by solar arrays on the main module Unity. As for the first step, a rug would be placed on the surface at the bottom of the ladder, the astronouts would all stand on it in a line and step on the surface simultaneously.
ATTENTION ! : this is a fictionnal scenario only for Orbiter 2010 P1 !
Mandatory addons:
International Space Station by Thorton
AMSO Project Apollo   (be sure to download the one for orbiter 2010 P1)
Soyuz FG/U by Thorton
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