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USS Kelvin Star Trek 2009 2011-02-02

USS Kelvin.JPG

When I first saw this new alternate timeline USS Kelvin, I was instantly in love.
She is just over 400 meters in length, over 200,000 metric tonnes and sports powerful impulse and RCS systems.
The Shuttle hangar doors are animated; they open and close using "G".
Docking Ports:
She has docking ports at the bow of the saucer, port and starport on the saucer, on both sides of the secondary hull as well as several in the hangar deck.
Required add-ons:
Vinka's Spacecraft3 (Most people here have this installed, but it you don't this add-on's mesh will NOT apprear. To add to another scenario, either directly edit the scenario file, or use the scenario editor, but be sure to name it exactly as it appears in the vessel list menu)Orbspotlight (Computerrex's Orbspotlight add-on has been used to give her strobe lights and beacons, to view them you will need you install only the Orbspotlight module contained in hi add-on pack. This module is not compatible with the Orbiter local lightsources module, so simply de-activate it while using orbspotlights otherwise it will crash Orbiter 2010.)
This model is a KITBASH of the following...
Kelvin 2009 mesh and Enterprise 2009 Mesh in Google Sketch-up by Cameron K.Chen see this model and others by him with the following link:
Star Trek 2009 style Bridge by jkde87, also at Google Sketch-up
See his original work here:
I have added textures by Tobias Richter, found here.
I've been working on this model for the last month. I'm also working on several shuttles, the star base and the Narada, release times TBA.
All models shared on Googles 3D warehouse are for FREE-of-Charge personal use with credit given to their creators.USS Kelvin Star Trek 2009 (V1.0 February 2nd 2011)
First release
Last update
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