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  1. Sir William

    OHM StatusMFD v1.0

    Status MFD ver. 1.1 halfways Hi! The project mentioned above with a drawing application for Status MFD is at a halfway point. The image below shows an example drawing for the wellknown DeltaGlider, with marked thrusters (and two flags). The image after this displays a settings dialog for the...
  2. Sir William

    Which Modelling Software?

    Alibre Design Actually, my favourite CAD-program is Alibre Design Xpress (not on the list). This software is a stripped and free(!) version of the professional version*, which cost nearly as much as AutoCAD! Dowload it from here: *~ $1500
  3. Sir William

    General question of the difficulty of making addons.

    1. You can make many addons through using calls to the Orbiter API and some intermediate level C++ code. 2. .NET is not supported at all in Orbiter, though you can use wrapper classes or the tool PInvoke. That way you can e.g. call dlls written i C++ from (I believe) Visual Basic .NET. (i.e...
  4. Sir William

    OHM StatusMFD v1.0

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience. The StatusMFD is compiled with the MS C++ 2008 Express edition. So as already pointed out the runtime files for 2008 should make it work. (I'm on the way to make a drawing interface (C# 2008 Express ed.) where you can design your own schematic with the...
  5. Sir William

    StatusMFD v1.0 2008-07-13

    Introduction StatusMFD will depict thrusters, control surfaces and more, graphically on a generic spacecraft schematic. Overview StatusMFD is compatible with at least the following spacecrafts: DG, DG MkIV, DG-S, DG-R, DGIV, DG EX, DG-XR1, XR5 Vanguard and Space Shuttle Atlantis...
  6. Sir William

    Scheduled Moon Flights (AP) 2006-04-17

    The new well-made lunar spaceport Heinlein (Hub with own AP-traffic!) is now included. Vessel: Shuttle-A Flightplans for AutopilotMFD ver. 1.7 (copyright R. Bumm), for all the bases on the Moon. The moon routes are set up according to a time table (see the attached image). However, for this to...