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  1. G

    Project New Asteroid Objects and Planet Meshes

    I have been working on some new asteroid and planet meshes, as those of you who saw my question thread already know. The asteroids and some of the smaller planetoids will be objects, while the biggest will be actual planets. Ok then, I might as well give you all some previews of a planet called...
  2. G

    Question Questions regarding custom planets and asteroids

    Hello, I have been making planets and asteroids with custom terrain(meshes) in a sculpting program, and I have two questions: Are there any limits to how BIG an object can be in orbiter? I will be making these as objects and it wouldn't do of my planets were limited to 5km due to some stupid...
  3. G


    <Begin transmission> Greetings! This is GalaxyWanderer, supreme commander of A.N.F. Consolidated Enterprises. My fleets have been scouting this system for about a month now, lurking around and seeing what this area is all about. However, I feel that now is the time to make my presence known to...
  4. G

    Idea Operational Vehicle Assembly Building(VAB)

    I had an idea while lurking around the forums so I decided to come out of hiding and become a member on the forums(BTW I love all the ingenious mods here everyone!). Basically, I was recently playing KSP and later was browsing these forums when I came across the Interplanetary Modular Spacecraft...