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  1. K

    model rocket to the moon (unmaned)

    Well As far as laws you have your countries laws if you launch it in that country and international laws which to be honest appear to be relative or more akin to agreements then anything. So find a Island or place a boat in international waters and you would be okay, but that doesn't mean that...
  2. K

    ShuttleA. How realistic is it? Anything better?

    The short answer is yes and for short hops a ballistic style would be the most efficient. The question is how close do your targets have to be before ballistic profile doesn't save fuel and how far before it is better to go into a orbit. And exactly how much fuel are we really saving. And...
  3. K

    SyncMFD Sync Orbit MFD (something isn't adding up)

    So I have been going from the Earth to the moon and back stopping on @ the Stations in orbit. What I am finding unsual is that I am having 0 Issues getting the ship to sync up with the stations in one or 2 orbits and coming in within a few seconds of the intercept after a last orbit change to...
  4. K

    ShuttleA. How realistic is it? Anything better?

    Just recently got back in Orbiter and have been once again playing with the shuttle A. Been basically making runs between Shado Base and Brighton Beach. Originally I used the AUX thruster a great deal but I have found they really are not needed. What is needed. 4 MFD's on any ship really. The...
  5. K

    Rhinoceros (Rhino3d)

    I am just getting into Orbiter and got interested in the Lunar Transfer Series. I want to thank the creators of the series I like the Lunar Shuttle and found adding a Universal RMS a simple and effective solution of grabbing cargo. However I started thinking about it and I would like to change...