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  1. S

    New Orbiter SVN commit (r.71, Oct 14 2017)

    Actually -> I changed colour depth to 32 bit in fullscreen mode and it worked for me : ) Maybe switching colour depth also affects resolution of z-buffer ? I have gtx970m so we can easily exclude hw limitation. Thank you : )
  2. S

    New Orbiter SVN commit (r.71, Oct 14 2017)

    Ive used your scenario to create my view. On your image there arent any issues - on my there are. Maybe this is texture or elevation issue or graphic card settings. Ive got moon textures from here (from 1st Jan 2015) Edit: Ive tried...
  3. S

    New Orbiter SVN commit (r.71, Oct 14 2017)

    Moon crater glith Thank you for reply : ) Actually this glith appears in every crater if you want to view it from low angle (like from very low (about 2-4 km) orbit around the moon), additionally Ive just now updated all files form SVN (to make sure the ghith was not fixed in RC or release...
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    New Orbiter SVN commit (r.71, Oct 14 2017)

    Moon crater glith Hello, I've just updated my orbiter beta from the SVN repo. I assume that the differences between RC version and the release are cosmetic minimal. I've lanunched the orb, entered low moon orbit to check if there are the glithes mentioned by me approx a year ago. And here it...
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    New Orbiter Beta Released (r.44, Dec 5 2015)

    Pressure on the surface od Mars Thank you ! The atmosphere on mars now works correctly. In addition to the topic mentioned - the atmospheric haze is not rendered properly below mean radius of Mars - as usuall hellas plantita as example. PS Is there a way to make a base with runway on this...
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    New Orbiter Beta Released (r.44, Dec 5 2015)

    Pressure on the surface od Mars Hello all ! I just landed on Hellas Planitia on Mars. The terrain should be about 5-7 km below the medium surface height - and it was on surface MFD. But the reason why I picked up this area was pressure that should be about 1,2 kPa. It will be easier to fly and...