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  1. R

    Discussion Building OpenOrbiter under Linux

    Good work getting that far with building on Linux! Is there any reason we couldn't use the STL's std::filesystem and cstring libraries instead of relying on the Windows specific functions? We would have to compile with -std=c++17 to get std::filesystem, but I think it would be a good improvement.
  2. R

    General Question Orbiter 2016 crashes on startup

    I have an NVIDIA 1080Ti card and Orbiter2016 seems to enumerate it twice, the default selected card in the Video menu was the second instance. When I select the first instance Orbiter2016 works, with the second instance selected it fails to render any graphics and hangs on startup.
  3. R

    Installation Cant run the install exe file win 10 64bit

    I'm trying to run from the extracted zip on Win 10 64bit. Neither Orbiter_ng or the orbiter.exe are working for me (I downloaded the D3D9 package and installed it.) All orbiter 2016 seems to do is mess up the fonts in Windows Explorer when I try and launch it. Any hints?