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  1. R

    OHM UCGO & UMMU compatible ISS

    Why does the UMMU not go into DG-IV when i try to transfer from ISS. When i press EVA in iss the UMMU wont go into ship it just gets placed in between dock and ship :S
  2. R

    Flight Question Reentry at right point?

    How can i know when to reenter the atmosphere so im close to cape canaveral because each attempt i make i end up in the middle of the ocean and have to fly miles to get there?
  3. R

    Question Getting a geostationary orbit with a DGIV

    Ok thanks for all your responses!:) I'll go through the Go Play In Space pdf
  4. R

    Question Getting a geostationary orbit with a DGIV

    any specific page in this pdf which will help me?
  5. R

    Question Getting a geostationary orbit with a DGIV

    nothing in there about how to do it properly. Is there any straight forward tutorial that tells you how to do it? its really frustrating me since i know that many other people can get into a geostationary orbit :S Lol im such an orbiter noob
  6. R

    Question Getting a geostationary orbit with a DGIV

    ok now my LAN is very high and the green line on the map mfd is curved how can i get the LAN to 0 and the green line straight without disturbing the inclination?
  7. R

    Question Getting a geostationary orbit with a DGIV

    ok so i've managed to circularise the orbit at the correct altitude now how do i get the inclination to 0?
  8. R

    Question Getting a geostationary orbit with a DGIV

    dont really understand im not really familiar with these terms is there an easier way of expressing it??
  9. R

    Question Getting a geostationary orbit with a DGIV

    How would i go about doing this?? I would like to put a few satellites in to this type of orbit
  10. R

    Space shuttle query please help!!

    hey guys i was just wondering how i can get a second space shuttle on the launch pad standing upright with the 2 rockets and fuel tank after i've launched the first one. I've tried with the scenario editor but i cant get evrything connected and in the upright position please help! thanks!:)