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  1. M

    SVN down again or stupid hotel wifi

    Just tried to access the SVN and got the following errors Command: Checkout from svn://, revision HEAD, Fully recursive, Externals included Error: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn://' Error: Can't connect to host...
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    Gaming Minecraft Nuclear engineering

    Mods: Industrial Craft 2, Redpower 2, BuildCraft, Too many items, Single Player Commands. I decided to do a bit of nuclear engineering. Power is so hard to come by in Minecraft and using the Buildcraft engines is tedious because of the required cool down time. So with that I decided I wanted to...
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    Closed Loop Nuclear Thermal Rocket Thermodynamics help requested.

    Hello all, I am working on implementing a NASA design from 68 into my project for orbiter. The report contained HERE has some really good details but lacks the critical Neon system schematic. I managed to diagram the system based on the description: I didn't include it in the diagram but I...
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    Gyroscopic Precession

    Hello All I am working on a ship with a gravity wheel exhibit a. and wanted to calculate the effects of gyroscopic precession on the ship (no masses yet still very early dev stage). The ship so far is 1077 feet long, the gravity wheel has an external diameter of 200' and an internal diameter...
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    Project Project 1 Paul Erdős Class

    Project 1 Paul Erdős Class - DEAD Working on my first project for orbiter. Finishing up the conceptual design and basic shapes of the fuselage. It will be very big. The center section alone is 530' long. The nose section is done with shaping but I am going to finish the basics of the...
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    Orbiter Star Settings

    With the release of the new orbiter 2010 it appears the star settings have changed...or since the last time I have used orbiter. What is everyone using for star settings? I understand star magnitudes but not when mapped to brightness. Edit: Are you using Linear or Exponential and why? Regards...
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    Flight Question Mars Opposition Class Trajectory

    Hey Everyone I have been trying to do an Opposition Class trajectory with the UCGO Arrow (EARTH->VENUS->MARS) Click me but using the provided dates and TransX I can't seem to get a good slingshot to mars without doing a lot of waiting. Any help is appreciated. MachJok P.S Does the Vespucci D...
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    Discussion Importing new meshes into OGLA

    Greetings and Salutations Earthlings We come in pieces...hmm that didn't sound right. Actually I have been following the OVP for quite sometime and finally installed it the OGLA client :thumbup: way to go! I was wondering how I might go about importing a new Terrain mesh for an area. I'm...