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  1. KKinsane

    OHM SSV Normandy SR2

    I highly approve of this, i'll just pretend EDI comes standard xD relativistic warp doesn't cover FTL but close enough. ed: the mako as UCGO would make my year.
  2. KKinsane

    Is Orbiter dying a slow death ???

    regarding the space program being dead, logically where does the story progress? (personally I'd go with public interest in space rather than nasa and governments doing all the fun stuff >_>) my point being its our turn to take the ball. (from nasa. and the russians. and the EU. also china...
  3. KKinsane

    Advanced Question Atmospheric Slingshot ala Farscape style, ???

    ... ok, I'll make it simple, can you bounce off the atmosphere and gain velocity, in orbiter? fail probe, 92 veiws and no reply whatsoever, :feedback::WTF:
  4. KKinsane

    Lunar Capital City Competition

    lol, I did say unless you count heat exchange and dust, since theres not much if any pressure on the moon I assume you'd want multi layer walls in case of micro meteorite punctures and such, tin foil may cut it in space but one hole and you could well die in your sleep. perhaps some sort of self...
  5. KKinsane

    Lunar Capital City Competition

    I hate to be the one to say it but what environment, the moon doesn't have an atmosphere to have environment in, unless your talking about heat exchange and dust, also water now LCROSS has been there (amongst other elements, there is unreleased data and I got a pretty good idea as to why...)...
  6. KKinsane

    Advanced Question Atmospheric Slingshot ala Farscape style, ???

    For those who have not witnessed this amazing show, basically the main character trys to "overcome gravity using nothing but earths natural pull" or something, so, from LEO orbit he uses a special craft from the hanger (of atlantis I think, definatly nasa) and burns straight at the atmosphere at...
  7. KKinsane

    The biggest disaster you have caused in Orbiter

    I got a new one, I tried to make Kupier 4b and instead I get what can only be described as a black hole in the center of the sun! if anyone can get the 5 new planets into config i'd be properly chuffed, I cannot figure out what to do with these 6.234e10's and ascending nodes it gets WAY too...
  8. KKinsane

    News 8.8 earthquake in Chile

    I heard they took it down a notch, ergo this quake would be 9.8... either way, it was haarp. 3 days after a tsunami hits, THREE DAYS, and yet with the entire pacific ocean on alert for the first day nowhere else gets hit too bad. also i've seen haarp's activity data for the first day so i'm...
  9. KKinsane

    Idea Radio traffic

    hello people, I think I just came up with a good idea that has yet to have a mod go with, I'm not that experienced at modding for orbiter just yet, but more to the point, wouldn't it be awesome to fly over japan, china, russia, and with the radio antenna sometimes pick up some random traffic? I...
  10. KKinsane

    OHM Orbiter Speech Recognition Module for Orbiter 2010

    thanks for pointing out where I went wrong, I watched the video and tried to remember I guess. I did however say "MFD select" but I'll test it again when I can be loud (tis 10pm) if anyone lacks a microphone I truely suggest the reverse speaker method even if it is a little more muddied signal...
  11. KKinsane

    Naming Convention for Planets. What do you think?

    THE simplest naming convention i've seen goes, star name, star name add roman numeral for each planet by relative distance to the star, and for moons A B C etc IE. alpha centuri IV-B, would be hypothetically the fourth planets second moon. obviously you have to explore the place first and...
  12. KKinsane

    OHM Orbiter Speech Recognition Module for Orbiter 2010

    LOL, well I got mfd 1 working after about ten minutes of shouting at a headphone (I am using it backwards :O) I used windowed veiw because I heard it doing something, I was trying to say "F4" to open the menu but speach recognition said moving so I told it undo, cancel, stop! i've had enough...
  13. KKinsane

    "Orbiter" made local Fox 21 TV news.

    dude, the reporter for the local news got my band and the band we we're gigging with as like a group, at an outdoor festival, he got both the bands names wrong AFTER I WROTE THEM DOWN FOR HIM. still, this is bogus, real bogus. I hate the press.
  14. KKinsane

    The biggest disaster you have caused in Orbiter

    every time I drop a nuke the universe ends, i'd say thats pretty strange and disasterous. (I think its because bombmfd doesn't like ucgo's, or it could be because its over 9000...) also a while ago I got an addon that lets you go to new galaxy's, with absolutely no idea what I was doing and...
  15. KKinsane

    Greetings earthlings

    I DID IT :) and i've had two beers :cheers: I have attached exactly what I did as a scn file, I even tested the minibar addon at one point :) I chose wifebeater as i'm drinking actual stella artois right now :) ok, so I started at ISS, figured out what way I was actually traveling by eye and...
  16. KKinsane

    Greetings earthlings

    I think I understand that, I need to stretch the orbit down so the angle is into the atmosphere but between critical failure angle of 0-1.5 ? I will attempt to do just that soon (still haven't actually gone to get my beer yet, space is one distracting topic), I plan to go from an ISS docked DGIV...
  17. KKinsane

    Greetings earthlings

    I think I finally understand, but "Entry angle should not exceed 1.5 degrees for Earth." = or =! AoA ??? I'm sure i'm going to feel stupid once I finally land :)
  18. KKinsane

    Greetings earthlings

    :lol: I kid, but how awesome would that be :) I am currently learning electronics in my own time preparing for a college course on the topic (at least I think thats where life is taking me), I have a MASSIVE interest in the idea of a UK space program and honestly can't wait for it to happen...