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  1. Quinn

    Orbiter Screenshot Thread

    A couple of shots I took testing the screen capture addon
  2. Quinn

    Descartes Problem (CTD: "")

    I had the same problem. The files are there, they just ended up in the wrong place. I can't remember what folder they ended up in, but they are there. Have your computer search the main Obiter folder. Once you know where they are you can just move them to the correct folder.
  3. Quinn

    World War II bomb to be exploded

    They often dropped bombs with timer fuses in them, some of them set to go off days later. The bomb was supposed to detonate while rescue crews were looking for survivors or while crews were clearing debris. It was meant to demoralize the population.
  4. Quinn

    Osama Bin Laden killed

    Good thing they got that elephant before he could get to the US. With the peanut crop adversely effected by the drought last year, the presence of a terrorist elephant would have signaled the end.
  5. Quinn

    Bowman's last words

    At a rehab clinic near Hollywood, "My God, it's full of former child stars."
  6. Quinn

    New Spaceplane Project

    LH is also relatively easy to produce. Its the handling and storage that present the most problems. You may find this interesting as reference: It reads like a typical government research document.
  7. Quinn

    New Spaceplane Project

    The aerodynamic changes for the first stage look great. A lot of the more recent studies into high Mach performance seem to be more linear than the compound curves that appeared in all the concept art from 20-30 years ago. You mentioned using LH/LOX as fuel. Are you looking at LH for the first...
  8. Quinn

    Building a Scanning Tunneling Electron Microscope

    Not only does it allow us to see the links between atom within molecules, it has also been used in experiments dealing with the manipulation of individual atoms. Contructing molecule one atom at a time allows for a whole new level of reserch for physics and chemistry.
  9. Quinn

    Funny ooops moments

    One of the first times I did a runway takeoff with the Delta Glider from KSC I crashed due to pilot error. When I was looking at the screen right after the crash the terrain look really weird. When I crashed I some how ended up inside the Earth so I was looking up through the ground.:unknown:
  10. Quinn

    Coolest Avatar

    My avatar and signature aren't anything special but they do show how my missions in Orbiter tend to go.:huh::blink::sos:
  11. Quinn

    Serious butt problem.

    You may also want to consider a hot patch for the crack in your butt. With the right material it would weld itself into place making your butt as strong as it was when new. Of course there are hazards to putting any kind of hot material into a butt crack, a few safety precautions would make it a...