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  1. K

    OMP Support

    Hello. Maybe someone remember me from this post I'm still trying to run a Lan server. My friend and me are in the same subnet, we are both sync to the server.. MDJ is 0... time acceleration isn't stuck in 0.1... ip address in...
  2. K

    Support Orbiter Multiplayer Support Solved Orbiter 2010

    Yes, we are in the same subnet. I will check the IP on server.xml Thanks :thumbup:
  3. K

    Support Orbiter Multiplayer Support Solved Orbiter 2010

    I have run a server on LAN and my friend and me connect to my server by LAN. The problem is that my friend can see me but I can't see my friend. I have tried desactivating firewalls but still doesn't work. Thanks EDIT: MJD went to 0 in both computers so we are syncronizated