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  1. E

    Flight Question Two burns to go to Mars?

    So is there a better apoapsis altitude? Or should I just drop the whole idea and stick to just one burn?
  2. E

    Flight Question Two burns to go to Mars?

    Hey everyone, quick question for you: Is it viable to make two burns on a trip from Earth to, say, Mars? Do one burn that puts your apoapsis out around the Moon's orbit. Then when you come back around to periapsis, do another burn that actually puts you on course to Mars. Any advantage or...
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    Fictional multiple star system question

    Full disclosure: This is actually for Celestia, I know there's no way I'd ever have the skills to be able to model this in Orbiter :(
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    Fictional multiple star system question

    A question for the astrophysics experts: I'm trying to develop a fictional quintuple star system, vaguely inspired by Xi Scorpii. Stars A and B revolve around each other, Star C revolves around the AB barycenter. Stars D and E revolve around each other. The ABC group and the DE group then...
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    Flight Question Looking for Mars landing advice

    Okay, now I'm learning the XR2. Takeoff from Earth is a whole lot more complicated, but very cool. We'll see what happens when I get to Mars.
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    Flight Question Looking for Mars landing advice

    Okay everyone, I'm having a hard time visualizing my problem to figure out how to fix it. My re-entry angle is too high, and the Hold AOA autopilot won't turn on. How do I lower my re-entry angle to under 2 degrees?
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    Flight Question Looking for Mars landing advice

    Well, yes, I know that now... :facepalm: I need some more practice and I'll get the hang of it. Meanwhile, lean back and have a good laugh at my foibles...
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    Flight Question Looking for Mars landing advice

    Darn you and your excellent videos! You "made" me attempt aerobraking twice yesterday. The first time, I don't know what I did wrong, but my PeA slipped up when I wasn't paying attention. I only got down to about 45 km, which was not nearly enough, and by the time I realized what had happened I...
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    Flight Question Looking for Mars landing advice

    Thanks everyone for your advice so far. I'm writing this from work where Youtube is blocked, so I can't be certain but I'll guess that I've missed those videos. I'll check them out. FWIW, here's my sad story: I started from about 100 km altitude, at about a quarter of the way around Mars from...
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    Flight Question Looking for Mars landing advice

    Hi everyone! I'm trying to figure out how to land my DGIV at Olympus Base. What is a good -initial altitude -distance to base -new periapsis to get down in one piece? All of the tutorials I've found seem to be out of date. Thank you for any pointers, -P
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    Flight Question Safe Jupiter orbit

    Yeah, I know I was being a little paranoid about such an unlikely event, but I'm reminded of a video or post someone made about going to Mars and their path accidentally running them right into the Moon. Anyway, back on topic again, I managed to make it this afternoon while my kids napped. Next...
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    Flight Question Safe Jupiter orbit

    Hey all, what's a good altitude for a Jupiter orbit? You know, one that won't run me into any pesky moons or alien monoliths... Thank you all!
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    LandMFD LandMFD not seeing base

    Aha, thank you. Again, I figured there was a reason why it wasn't working. :tiphat:
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    LandMFD LandMFD not seeing base

    I swear by the Probe I was doing that before :hailprobe: :lol: Well it worked this time, thank you for that tip. But now it says "Dist offplane 14368.6" and none of the buttons have any options, and hitting Shift+0(zero) as I've seen in the instructions does nothing. :facepalm: What have I...
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    LandMFD LandMFD not seeing base

    As I'm trying to land, LandMFD tells me I need to select a base in the Map MFD, but I already have selected one (Olympus in my particular case). What am I missing? Many thanks, Peter
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    "Twin planets" and tide-locking

    I am shocked to discover that the BSG writers may have gotten some bad science in there :rofl:
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    "Twin planets" and tide-locking

    Putting out the call to any astrophysics experts: Suppose you have two planets, each about 1 Earth mass, orbiting around a barycenter. The average distance between the two planets is a little under 500,000 km. Would they tide-lock to each other, or would they still be able to rotate independently?
  18. E

    Flight Question Flying around Jupiter's moons

    Hey everyone! My question is: How do you get from one moon of Jupiter to another? For instance, I'm orbiting Io now, how would I get to Europa? Thank you all in advance for your help!
  19. E

    Question Multiple stars and double planets

    Well that just stinks... My dream would have been to put together the system of the Colonies from BSG. But maybe I'll just wait for someone who knows what they're doing to do it! :lol: This won't be the first or last time I wish for a way to import data from Celestia to Orbiter!