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  1. B

    Project Orbital/Transfer Cargo Hub Station/Ship

    As you speak of framework and flexibility... I thnik that Orbiter community should consider project for structural framework and standards. Some similar things alredy exists, but they are invidivudal and scatterd. It could be really good move to start unifying all that standards under one simple...
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    Project Wideawake International: Ascension Ultra

    Face indeed have a good point. I'am pretty sure no one will ever experiment with stylish sings, markers, road sings, attention stickers or similar stuff like we see often in Sci-Fi movies. It is just not practical. Take 2001: Odissey for example. That movie look astonishing realistic, even for...
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    Project G42-200 StarLiner

    Btw, any progress on this spacecraft? What's the development status?
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    Project D3D11Client Development

    Edge of atmosphere is quite sharp. Raytraced color looks ok.
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    Question Help needed - Post your Space Pictures for the new version of Arrow Freighter

    @Dan Sorry for off, but can this idea be projected to OrbiterSound module? I mean, can you expand OrbiterSound to do dynamic music feedback that will change the tune depanding on where the vessel is? So, when you reach Jupiter, the famous Monolith theme from 2001 Odyssey starts.
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    Question Help needed - Post your Space Pictures for the new version of Arrow Freighter

    You can also put BSoD as an Ester Egg to appear in some totaly unrelated moment :lol:
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    Update XR1 1.9 / XR2 1.4 / XR5 1.7 D3D9-Ready Versions Released

    @Chris74 Jupiter have thermosphere, upper layer of atmosphere that have very high temperature of about 600-700 C and very low density and pressure. That temperature is allready pretty high enough for Ravenstar. So it's quite likely that Ravenstar could pass that point of atmoshpere only at very...
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    Update Arrow Freighter version 2012 updated (screenshots)

    @Dan Great job you do, thanks! May I propose somthing for that screens and textures? Could it be wise to do (you or someone else) a .PSD template for that mosaic? What I mean, when screens are in moon/object mode, they can have some overlayed minimalistic GUI/info over the image. This thing...
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    C++ Question Generating "random" numbers

    Excuse me, I am new in here, but... You could also use the fact that C++ alow you to define varibale without initializing it. In fact, every time you run your compiled code, that variable will be placed on some pice of memory that already contain some value, lefted behind from a previous user...