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  1. C

    Question Dniepr - Red smoke at lift-off, after main stage ignition. What is it?

    Hi everybody, Just found some photos/videos of a Dniepr launch and I quite amazed ! + this video : YouTube- Dnepr rocket launch I was wondering what was that red smoke that can be seen on the picture above as well as in the video around 0:43 ?? It seems they are releasing some gaz or...
  2. C

    General Question How to create a new spaceport ?

    Oh, sorry I just undestood your question ;) It's the space systems design course that has me doing this. I'm in France so cannot help you much for the school ;)
  3. C

    General Question How to create a new spaceport ?

    Well, the rocket is being designed on Catia. It's something like an 8ton GTO class (is it what you meant by class?) At the time being, there are no options to include the rocket within the ground installations but I hope we'll have enough time for that. So I cannot help you designing the rocket...
  4. C

    General Question How to create a new spaceport ?

    Great, thanks ! I'll try to have a look today :)
  5. C

    General Question How to create a new spaceport ?

    Ok, got it. p11 in is the planet section.. but i'll browse through the document. Looks quite difficult to get in there :) P.S : "kit" doesn't appear in the document.. should I download it to have the proper documentation maybe ? Cheers !
  6. C

    General Question How to create a new spaceport ?

    Ok, I see... I think we'll go for the 1st option (fixed launch pad) and then mote to a mobile one if time allows it. I cannot find the OrbiterSDK.pdf in the doc folder... (i've downloaded the 2010 version).. what does SDK stand for ?
  7. C

    General Question How to create a new spaceport ?

    Arf, i'm writing my first messages on the forum so I'm being moderated ;) and my answers don't appear directly.. sorry for that. We need to show buildings with an average good size, that's all. As wof the textures, it's not really the most important. the main thing being that we can show each...
  8. C

    General Question How to create a new spaceport ?

    Hi Phantom, thanks for your inputs ! In fact we're working on a study project, that is to create "the future of Ariane 5" using specifications given by our professor. So we've already designed/dimmensionned a spaceport, depending on launch rates... We have thought of the type of buildings...
  9. C

    General Question How to create a new spaceport ?

    Hi all ! I'm doing a project with some friends of designing a new rocket (part of our studies) The others are working on the rocket, and I'm trying to design a new spaceport. I was wondering if it was possible and if so, how to do it (I couldn't find a tutorial or a message on that subject)...