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  1. E

    Updates Rosetta Mission News

    Presumably the gyro was still running.
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    [GER] Ein ganz blöde Wortspiel

    Well it taught me the German for "lavatory seat" - that was an unexpected homonymy.
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    OHM Badlands base at Callisto

    They're quite obviously termite mounds, silly.
  4. E

    2014 World Cup

    With me standing to make money from the other outcome, it was a foregone conclusion.
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    2014 World Cup

    I have Argentina in the office sweepstake and stand to win £40. So obviously Germany will win.
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    2014 World Cup

    Being managed by Hodgson nearly killed Liverpool too. The analogy is compelling.
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    News Here be Dragons: SpaceX reveals manned Dragon design

    And just refuel and relaunch. That's.... ambitious.
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    Updates SpaceX Falcon 9 F5 CRS SpX-2 through CRS SpX-12 Updates

    Of course. Riding a barely controlled bomb and subsequently slamming into the atmosphere at 8 Km s^-1 is never going to be an entirely risk-free proposition.
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    Updates SpaceX Falcon 9 F5 CRS SpX-2 through CRS SpX-12 Updates

    They'll fix it. At least it wasn't a Liberty Bell 7.
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    discussion: are there any places that complex numbers are necessary?

    QED couldn't exist without complex numbers. Whether photons and electrons are "real" of course could be a matter for debate. ;)
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    New Discovery in Outer Solar System

    It says it's expected to provoke debate, not panic and abject terror.
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    News Contact lost with 777-200ER of Malaysia Airlines

    Greys? Lizards? Nordics?
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    Discussion Will the SpaceX push to reusability make ArianeSpace obsolete?

    Of course if you can use the subsidy money to undercut your competitors, potentially driving them to the wall then you can charge what you like when the subsidy dries up. Just a thought.
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    New site is in Orbit !

    No hablo Espanol pero felicitaciones y se diviertenes.
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    Merry Christmas everybody !

    Winter solstice festivals pre-date christianity by quite some period. Have a cool yule all.
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    Merry Christmas everybody !

    Consider the following: 1) No known species of reindeer can fly. But there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen. 2) There are 2 billion...
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    News Dangerous storm announced for Northern Europe

    Truck blown over it would seem
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    Project [Base] Orcus Patera [Release]

    Cracking piece of work. Sets the bar very, very high.
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    Update Arrow Freighter/UCGO/DGIV version 2013 update

    But is it the right Tuesday? ;)
  20. E

    Project Working Vending Machine

    Two of the proposed cans are beer/lager (although in the case of Fosters this is debatable.)