A developer's nightmare!


Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA, USA, North America
I'm not talking about something gone horribly wrong, my computer didn't explode [yet], the world's not ending, in fact it's not even something anomalous. I'm talking about documentation. It's 01:06 in the morning here and I'm pounding hard away at my keyboard finishing up the documentation for the PrometheusLV. I've never done more than a real simple addon before so writing this up was certainly a challenge. It's ten pages in Open Office of stuff that most people probably won't look at for more than 5 minutes, even people who don't come screaming back to the forums "PROMETHEUS WON'T WORK!" Unfortunately, I have to cover every eventuality just in case. Just think if Windows didn't have help files, not everyone's a computer nerd like me. So I finally get to get some sleep, and will wake up tomorrow morning and re-read my documentation and hope it makes some semblance of sense before I relase Prometheus to everyone.