IMDF 5.1 Free Return Scenario Help Wanted


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2008
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I've just been testing out the 'Free Return' scenario for IMFD 5 and was wondering if someone could advise me on just what steps I need to take to avoid crashing into the moon. Every time I set up the orbit I end up with a 'close approach' that is beneath the surface of the moon.

Can this be avoided at set up, or do I need to carry out a mid-course correction and if so, what steps should I follow?


Tutorial Publisher
Tutorial Publisher
Apr 12, 2008
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You can read my tutorial

You can read my tutorial:

"From the Earth to The Moon" an AMSO 1.17 Apollo 11 Full Mission Tutorial Using IMFD 5.1h

Go directly to the section called:

Part 2 - Apollo 11 AS-506 Trans Lunar Insertion (TLI)

It will tell you how to do it and yes you will need 1-2 mid course corrections or a Planet Approach burn to fix your originally calculated TLI. This is because when you calculate out the trajectory, you would normally have the Saturn V stage III attached to your orbiting and landing vehicle. If your using AMSO or NASSP you SHOULD finish the first TLI, then extract your LM from the reminents of the stage III and then re-burn using delta V in IMFD to make corrections for the change in mass.

Your change in mass will effect your original trajectory which was done with alot more mass.

The earlier you do a MCC, the better. Your trajectory calculations are about an hour old when you finish docking and extracting your LEM so a very small but less accurate delta V burn can fix the change in mass.
If after the IMFD delta V burn still puts you out too far or too close to the surface of the moon, you can do a trim burn. Stay pointed at the last point IMFD left you after doing the delta V burn and then select your manuver rockets to translation type and press forward or backward to fix the PeA of the moon to about 80km. (note: you can use the fine burn function in your translation type manuver rockets by pressing CTRL+ Numpad 8 or 2 to even more fine tune your trajectory)

Then when your leaving the earth's SOI, you can do an MCC#1 and if needed a second MCC when your about to enter the moon's SOI. This is what NASA did during its Apollo Program circumlunar flights so you can bet we will have to do it in Orbiter.

Hope this helps Good luck, have fun, and please feel free to read my tutorial. I created it for ppl to be able to experience this flight and I would love it if it helped you.


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
You can read my tutorial:

"From the Earth to The Moon" an AMSO 1.17 Apollo 11 Full Mission Tutorial Using IMFD 5.1h

Go directly to the section called:

Part 2 - Apollo 11 AS-506 Trans Lunar Insertion (TLI)

It will tell you how to do it and yes you will need 1-2 mid course corrections or a Planet Approach burn to fix your originally calculated TLI. This is because when you calculate out the trajectory, you would normally have the Saturn V stage III attached to your orbiting and landing vehicle. If your using AMSO or NASSP you SHOULD finish the first TLI, then extract your LM from the reminents of the stage III and then re-burn using delta V in IMFD to make corrections for the change in mass.

Your change in mass will effect your original trajectory which was done with alot more mass.

Thanks, I'll look over it and see just what I need to adapt for my flight attempt.