Question IMFD Autoburn Time Problem Not Yet Solved

Nicholas Kang

Tutorial Publisher
Tutorial Publisher
News Reporter
Apr 3, 2016
Reaction score
Dear members of the forum,

I have been using IMFD for some time and become heavily dependent on it. Certain hot and commonly-used features like the orbit insertion program when you approach a celestial body and want to orbit it, delta velocity program to achieve a GTO etc. are already popular among us users.

Unfortunately, these very (it should be extremely) useful programs cannot be used until the autoburn time problem is solved. Since this is already a known issue, I need not have to mention the problem in detail. The problem is simply the autoburn time is less than what it actually should be. For example, one second of real time has passed but only 0.5 seconds has elapsed in the IMFD program, i.e. burn time change from 135.7 to 135.2 s whereas in real time, the latter value should be 136.7 s.

This results in serious orbital maneuvers errors like the one shown below:


Notice that I aimed to send 3 geostationary communication satellites to the geostationary transfer orbit GTO using the deltav program. The burn was unsuccessful simply because of incorrect elapsed time. When I hit the BV buton, it read: 78.5 seconds left although the orbit was already raised far beyond my planned GTO.

Hence, in view of this serious problem of such a useful and commonly-used add-on hasn't been solved, I would like to urge the add-on developers of IMFD to rectify the possible wrong codes of the program as soon as possible.


Thank you for paying your attention on this problem.

:hailprobe: Hail Probe. May the Probe allow the problem to be solved as soon as possible. :hailprobe:
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Sky Marshal
Addon Developer
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
Bakersfield, CA
I noticed this last night. I was running the Europa to Callisto tutorial scenario. Everything went by the numbers until I got to the orbit insert burn. The engine never shut off after zero eccentricity was reached and I ended up in a collision course with the moon. Thought I had done something wrong until I came here.