My rescue flight/scenario


Orbiquiz Coordinator
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
I was bored today, so I spent about 3 hours setting up a scenario using Brighton beach. I modified it to only two DGIV's, one carrying cargo. I'm gonna tell the story, and have () for what actually happened:

I don't even know how Bill Bradely got on Brighton Beach. This 26 year old is the next generation of technician, so maybe that's how. But, hes not going to be one now.

3 hours before the end of my 6 month period stationed at Brighton Beach, I was sipping coffee at the lounge, then i get an emergency radio call. Turns out Bill decided to "take the delta glider out to test its functioning properly". Well, Bill didn't know the controls, and he crashed it into the ground, destroying both the landing gear and hover engines. I would have said get out and walk, but he was 35km away, and Bill isn't exactly the most athletic person in the world (Remember my post asking for help crashing?? This is why.)

The others were getting ready to depart, so I was the only one on base. I went out to the pad and found the Moon-To-Earth delta glider waiting for me. I powered it up, extended my antenna, and locked on to Bill. (all of that happened).

When I got 100 m away from Bill's ship, I descended to the surface. I opened my docking port and outer door, then Bill radio's in "I think my ship has cargo in it...I'm looking at the cargo bay and its saying its full. Something about a Radioactive power supply?" SO, not only did Bill take one of the two ships on the beach, he had to take the one that had an experimental nuclear power supply. (I just threw that in there for kicks)

I had to walk bill through powering down the Delta Glider, Opening the cargo doors, grabbing the cargo, AND putting it in my ship. Took almost an hour. Finally, after he overshot my cargo hold 3 times (yes, that did happen), he was able to load it. He then navigated his way to the airlock, where I, unfortunately, let him in.

The trip back was quiet. Bill knew what he had going for him, and he just lost it all. But, thats not the end of the story. 15m above pad 2 at Brighton Beach, Bill accidentally bumped my hand, disabling the hover autopilot. We hit the ground going 5m/s, just fast enough to break the landing gear (My hand twitched, and i didn't realize it until the gear broke).

So yeah, thats my flight. I know, stupid scenario, stupid flight, but I was bored. Plus, i had to use my imagination.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
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Creating Scenarios

I've been trying to figure out how I can create my own custom scenarios. The Orbiter manual briefly mentions that it easiest to do so by modifying existing scenarios. I don't want to do anything too elaborate--right now I just want to lift off with the shuttle and dock at the MIR station but its proving to be quite challenging.

I'm new to Orbiter and equally new to this forum. Please forgive me if I've posted this in poor taste.

Many thanks,


Orbiquiz Coordinator
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Welcome Okturus!
Make your own topic for a different problem. As for docking with MIR....try getting into orbit first with the Delta Glider. Atlantis is MUCH harder to fly then the Delta Glider.

Feel free to message me if you need help (tho some stuff i dont know)