Photogravitational assist at alpha Centauri A


Addon Developer
Addon Developer
May 31, 2008
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Photogravitational assist at alpha Centauri A

One of the biggest problems is how to gather all the necessary information in the short time that will take you to a laser nanovel through the system of Next. Indeed, at a speed of 60,000 kilometers per second the laser candle will pass through the system in just two hours.

Researchers Rene Heller and Michael Hippke have devised a new technique.

The pair has shown that if the nanovell first passes through the system of Alpha Centauri can modify its path to reach Próxima, slowing its speed in the process thanks to the light of the double system. According to Heller and Hippke's plan the sail would first approach only four million kilometers of Alfa Centauri A at 13,800 km / s (if it goes faster it would be passed), or almost 5% of the speed of the light. The probe would perform a photogravitatory assistance maneuver on Alfa Centauri A to address Alfa Centauri B at a speed of 7500 km / s, a destination that would reach after only four days. Then he would make another maneuver in Alfa Centauri B to travel at 1280 km / s, so it would take 46 years.


---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------

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