Project RTCC MFD


Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Oct 26, 2011
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Didn't make a dedicated thread for the RTCC MFD yet, so here it is!

The first post is a big update to the MFD, a completely updated Mission Plan Table (MPT). The MFD already had this feature, but it has been vastly improved now. To showcase the new features, I will do a walkthrough of a typical planning situation, planning the descent to the lunar surface. For this example I am using the Apollo 11 mission scenario "Before PDI Day". The planning is done in the LM, because the MFD still has restrictions that it can only use calculate most maneuvers for the vessel you are in.

Open the MFD and select Mission Plan Table. There press the ACT button to active the planning feature. First the MPT needs to be initialized. For that press the INI button. The MPT is actually two separate plan tables of maneuvers, one for the CSM and one for LM. Both of them need to be initialized. You can switch between the two with the TAB button. Next the MPT needs to know which vessel is the CSM, so press the VEH button until it says Columbia. At this point the AUT button can be pressed to automatically read the current vessel configuration and masses to the page. The page should update to CSM+LM config, 37718 lbs CSM mass and 33773 lbs LM mass. These initial values are acceptable so the data should be transferred to the MPT by pressing the M55 button (updates the configuration), M50 button (updates the masses) and the TUP button (updates the initial trajectory). At this point the page should look like this:


Next the same needs to be done for the LM. So press TAB once and VEH until it says Eagle next to it. The masses and config are still the same on the page, so another auto update isn't really necessary. However, the first LM maneuver (DOI) doesn't happen until after undocking, so the initial configuration LM should be used. So click on CFG until it says LM. Then do the update to the MPT again with the three buttons on the right (M55, M50, TUP). The page should look like this:


The next step is to add the separation maneuver. This is added as a direct input to the MPT. So go back to the MPT page and then press INP to go to the direct input page. The maneuver data that should be input here are:

Vehicle: CSM
Code: SEP
Option: DV Vector (P30)
TIG: 100:45:00
DV: +0 +0 +2.5
Thruster: RCS -X (4 quads)
Docking event: undocking
Config after the maneuver: CSM

The page should look like this:


Then press the MPT button to transfer the maneuver to the MPT. Go back to the MPT page which should now have the sep maneuver:


The maneuver code is CR01SEP. C for CSM, R for RCS, 01 for the first maneuver of this vehicle, SEP is the maneuver code we entered.

Next the DOI maneuver needs to be calculated. This is done as before with the MFD, so here just a screenshot of the page:


What is new is that this page only created an impulsive velocity change. To make a finite burn out of this the thruster for the maneuver needs to be selected. This was done for a few calculation pages already. So after the DOI calculation press the MPT button on that page and you will get to the thruster selection screen. Choose DPS here and then calculate the finite burn. This will also have added the DOI to the MPT:



Next up is PDI. This will be as simple as pressing the PDI button on the MPT page, but the PDI calculation does need a valid landing site REFSMMAT. So go to Utility, REFSMMAT press OPT once and then calculate. This should calculate an acceptable REFSMMAT for PDI. Go back to the MPT page and press the PDI button. If the PDI maneuver appears on the table then you know you did it right:


At this point you could start planning for the T2 abort from the surface. The time for the abort is 21:24 after PDI, which is 103:02:16 in my case. The nominal insertion targets for the T2 abort are +5515.2 and +19.6 ft/s, so these numbers can be used to add an ascent to the MPT on the lunar ascent page. Calculate and then press MPT to move the maneuver to the MPT:


After this boost, CSI etc. maneuvers could be added, but that would go beyond the scope of this initial MPT walkthrough. I will probably add some flight controller worksheets to help in calculating this stuff. The real flight controllers would have used worksheets and checklists to aid in their procedures as well.



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Aug 12, 2014
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Problem with DOI entry


I'm walking thru your tutorial here and keep having a problem with the DOI maneuver calculation. I keep ending up with the code as CD02DOI instead of LD01DOI. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Any help appreciated.



Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Oct 26, 2011
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Hmm, did you do the DOI calculation while in the CSM? Unfortunately there is still a restriction that you have to do a calculation while being in the vehicle you are calculating it for. The exception to this are the MPT direct input maneuvers, so that's why I wrote at the beginning of the post above that the whole planning should be best done while in the LM.


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Aug 12, 2014
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Thx for the reminder. Dont know how I didnt figure that out. Thx.



Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Oct 26, 2011
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Another big RTCC MFD project is finally done, the Lunar Descent Planning Processor (LDPP), based on this MSC memo:

This was the tool for calculating most maneuvers in lunar orbit before and after PDI. LOI-2, DOI and lunar orbit plane changes were all done with the LDPP. This replaces the LOI-2 calculation on the LOI page and the DOI and PC pages. Most of the calculation modes are not available yet, because I am still waiting for some update pages for the memo I linked above. But the three modes that were used the most during the actual missions are implemented. Here the description of all the inputs that have to be done:

Initialization Page:

Azimuth (AZI): This option is for plane changes. Input 0 will use the optimum (in terms of DV) azimuth at the landing site, but a specific azimuth can be used, like the nominal approach azimuth.
Height at perilune (HDP): Same as before on the DOI page, usually this will be 50,000 feet, the altitude at which PDI happens.
PDI Simulation(PDS): Option to let the LDPP calculate a simulated powered descent or not. Not implemented yet.
PDI time input (PDI): Specified time for PDI. Not implemented yet.
Dwell orbits (N): Number of full orbits between DOI and PDI. Same as before on the DOI page.
Descent flight time (DFT): Time from PDI to landing, used in finding e.g. the DOI TIG.
Descent flight arc (DFA): Angle from PDI to landing, used in finding e.g. the DOI TIG.

Calculation Page:

Vehicle (VEH): Only used with mission planning active. Maneuver calculation uses state vector from either CSM or LEM ephemeris.
Vector time (VTI): Also only used with the MPT. Time at which the initial state vector is taken from the ephemeris.
Mode (MOD): Calculation mode. Detailed list below.
Sequence (SEQ): Calculation sequence (aka sub-mode). Detailed list below.
Height (HEI): This is the height at which certain maneuvers like LOI-2 circularize the orbit, so it's 60NM by default.
Threshold time (TH1 to TH4): the earliest allowed time for the maneuvers in the LDPP maneuver plan. For DOI only the first time needs to be input, for the circularize+DOI option the first time is for LOI-2, the second time for DOI. For the CSM prelaunch plane change maneuver the first time is the threshold for the maneuver, the second for the time of flying over the landing site again.

Detailed list of modes:

Mode 1: Compute CSM phase change sequence
Mode 1, Sequence 1: Plane change, then DOI (N/A yet)
Mode 1, Sequence 2: Plane change, then circularize (N/A yet)
Mode 1, Sequence 3: Plane change+apsis change, then circularize (N/A yet)

Mode 2: Compute single CSM maneuver sequence (single as in, just one maneuver prior to DOI)
Mode 2, Sequence 1: N/A
Mode 2, Sequence 2: Establish apsis and input altitude at DOI maneuver point (N/A yet)
Mode 2, Sequence 3: Compute CSM maneuver to circularize orbit at an input altitude (Use this for LOI-2!)

Mode 3: N/A yet, description follows when implemented.

Mode 4: Compute LM maneuver sequence: DOI. (This is used even if the CSM does the DOI).

Mode 5: N/A yet, description follows when implemented.

Mode 6: Compute LM powered-descent trajectory only (N/A yet)

Mode 7: Compute CSM prelaunch plane-change maneuver sequence (the option for lunar orbit plane changes).
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