STS-203-LF3 Postponed


Feb 6, 2008
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Dayton, Ohio
December 14 2010
NASA managers anounced today the the next shuttle flight to Space Station Freedom will be postponed. A fault in three of the five GPC's was discovered during a Flight Readiness test that brings the shuttle's systems up to launch status. The faults appear to be unrelated so Discovery will be grounded untill the issue has been resolved. So far no plans are in work to move the shuttle back into the VAB. The SSF Director said that this will in no way delay either the launch of the next crew to the station or the launch of Skylab II next month.

He said
"We hope to solve the issue while the shuttle is still on the pad. All four other shuttles are currently being tested for the same or similar faults. So far all test have been negative. Once Discovery is ready to launch the flight will fall into the next available slot in the schedule. This will delay all flights after that two or so months."

203 is a logistics flight that was to deliver supplies that will be needed for the next station crew, set to launch January 15th. The payloads were a MLPM and the first of the External Stowage Platforms (ESP) NASA is in talks will Space X to perhaps succure a Dragon Cargo to deliver items that must be onstation for the crew. This flight would need to be launched in the fifteen days between the CRV launch and the next shuttle launch STS-204-LF4, another logistics flight.

"If a Dragon can be launched, the supplies will be new, meaning not taken out of the MPLM. This would require the module to be taken out of the shuttle and back the the Station Processing Facility. This would delay 203 at least 6 months," said the Station Logistics Officer. "The capsule would be filled with the supplies that would be needed untill STS-204 as well with any equipment that would be ready to go up. That way we're not sending up a half full capsule."

NASA is also working on other ways to make sure the flights do not start slipping. "We have to get this solved as quickly as posible," said the SLO. "Once Skylab in launched, we will have two stations to plan for. The good news is that Skylab won't have non-shuttle-attended crew onboard untill October 2011. That means that the only time a crew will be at Skylab will be in the pressence of a shuttle."

This means that the next launch will be of Skylab from Vandenberg AFB January 4th 2011.


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Addon Developer
Feb 5, 2008
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This blog is really funny :) I like read your posts! Good job Zero:)