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ATHLETE version 3 2015-01-10


NASA’s All-Terrain, Hex Limbed, Extra-Terrestrial Explorer, or ATHLETE vehicle, is a new approach to unloading, transporting and handling cargo on the moon. It has six limbs, each with a wheel – appendages that are generally used as legs, but with a quick-disconnect tool adapter, can be used as arms for complex manipulations.
ATHLETE is the product of four years of work sponsored by NASA’s Exploration Technology Development Program in close collaboration with NASA’s Constellation Lunar Surface Systems Project.
This rendition of ATHLETE is a sophisticated simulation of the original vehicle for Orbiter that requires the user to learn how to operate it to get max benefit from it.
Please use the scenarios and their lead-in for initial guidance.  
The work on this project started from orbiter forum and has its origins in this thread.
There is one file ( – in the textures directory) in the package that may generate an overwrite alarm. Please evaluate carefully before before overwriting – but it should be safe overwrite.
Update for version 3(February 2015):
UCGO Cargo pallet included with the option to attach a Lunar Exploration Rover
First release
Last update
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