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STPSP Additional Systems: Betazed 2023-05-27


STPSP: Betazed is an auxiliary entry in the Star Trek Planetary Systems Project (STPSP). This is an attempt to accurately portray the major planetary systems in the Star Trek universe (with some conjecture, mostly in the form of some ideas of mine.) A fan of the series almost since birth, I wanted to recreate the planetary systems so that it would be possible to create scenarios in them. The Betazed system is home to one planet, one moon, and one surface base. The planetary arrangement is a basic representation based on on-screen evidence. You will require the STPSP: Bajor, Galaxy-Nebula family, Immense Starbase, and Spacedock 2010 add-ons for some of the scenarios. As for this system, I promise that you won’t be disappointed. Enjoy!
Software License
None Selected (All Rights Reserved / Inferred license)
Supported Orbiter Version
  1. 2010-P1
Luke Reichelt
First release
Last update
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