Updates China Space Station l Updates, News & Discussion

Should other nations contribute with their own module?

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Fazanavard فضانورد
Apr 5, 2015
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With less than 2 weeks before the first in hundreds of space launches spanning over several decades, that will be dedicated to the Chinese Space Station (中国空间站) missions, including orbital modules, cargo vessels, manned spacecrafts, and even space telescope, it is time that Soheil_Esy creates a dedicated thread.

Chinese Space Station: Core module Tianhe-1


Name: Tian He (天和) is Chinese for Harmony of Heavens; Official Chinese name is 天和号核心实验舱 Tianhe-1 core experiment module
Length: 18.1 m
Diameter: 4.1 m (living compartment)
Weight: 22.5 t (empty) / 24 t (with goods & equipment)
Docking ports: Five and one EVA hatch
Energy supply: Two 11 meter long and 4.6 meter width solar arrays
Expected life time: 10 years
Launch vehicle: Long March 5B
Flight profile: Inclination 41° / 350 km circular orbit

Mission Timeline

From Draft till Launch

21st September 1992: China revealed it’s manned space program – called Project 921 (Date: 9/21/1992) – to build in the third phase a long-term modular space station.

25th September 2010: Release of financial resources to built Project 921-3 – the manned modular space station.

March 2011: China revealed the time schedule for building a modular space station and to launch the first core module in 2018. Two science modules will dock with the core module till 2022.

October 31, 2013: The core module of China’s first modular space station got the name Tian He (Chinese: Harmony of Heavens).

April 2017: Final preparation, assembly and testing started for Tian He.

2nd July 2017: The Long March 5 (LM5) rocket had a failure during its second launch. This rocket type is planned to bring Tian He into orbit. The next flight of LM5 was in 27th December 2019. Because of the issue on the Long March 5 rocket the launch of the Tian He module was delayed for two and a half years.

June 2018: First underwater training for future taikonauts started.

6th November 2018: A full-scale model of Tian He was revealed at China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, China.

6th January 2021: The production of Long March 5B rocket for Tian He was completed.

4th February 2021: The space station core module was delivered to the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center at Hainan Island, China.

23th February 2021: The Long March 5B rocket for the Chinese Space Station core module arrived at the spaceport Wenchang.

10th March 2021: The first crews which will visit the Chinese Space Station were revealed. It will be as follows:

Shenzhou 12 (planned for 2021): Nie Haisheng (3rd flight), Deng Qingming (1st flight) and Ye Guangfu (1st flight)
Shenzhou 13 (planned for 2021): Liu Boming (2nd flight), Chen Dong (2nd) and Zhang Lu (1st flight)
Shenzhou 14 (planned for 2022): Liu Wang (2nd flight), Liu Yang (2nd flight) and Tang Hongbo (1st flight)
Shenzhou 15 (planned for 2022): Zhang Xiaoguang (2nd flight), Wang Yaping (2nd flight) and Cai Xuzhe (1st flight)

2021年神舟12号第1乘组人选:  聂海胜(第3次执行飞天任务)  邓清明(首次执行飞天任务)  叶光富(首次执行飞天任务)

2021年神舟13号第1乘组人选:  刘伯明(第2次执行飞天任务)  陈冬(第2次执行飞天任务)  张陆(首次执行飞天任务)

2022年神舟14号第1乘组人选:  刘旺(第2次执行飞天任务)  刘洋(第2次执行飞天任务)  汤鸿波(首次执行飞天任务)

2022年神舟15号第1乘组人选:  张晓光(第2次执行飞天任务)  王亚平(第2次执行飞天任务)  蔡旭哲(首次执行飞天任务)

• 29th April 2021 at 03:18 UTC: First Tianhe core module launched by Long March 5B rocket from Wenchang SLC.
• 12 May 2021: Tianzhou-2 cargo ship launched by CZ-7
• 12 June 2021: Shenzhou-12 first manned crew of 3 launched by CZ-2F
• September 2021: Tianzhou-3 cargo ship launched by CZ-7
• October 2021: Shenzhou-13 second manned crew of 3 launched by CZ-2F
• Late 2021: Wentian module launched by Long March 5B
• Early 2022: Tianzhou-4 cargo ship launched by CZ-7
• Early 2022: Shenzhou-14 third manned crew of 3 launched by CZ-2F
• Mid-2022: Mentian module launched by Long March 5B
• Mid-2022: Tianzhou-5 cargo ship launched by CZ-7
• Mid-2022: Shenzhou-14 fourth manned crew of 3 launched by CZ-2F


https://archive.ph/GO7SR/c055a94eaf3ca5237245edb83656422a40e3d1e6.jpg ; https://archive.ph/GO7SR/55304545d6e0615bc8e0eece7410d99f515e8c9c/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210415203443/https://9ifly.spacety.com/data/attachment/image/000/18/65/42_640_480.jpg ; https://9ifly.spacety.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=89336&pid=811475

1. First eleven launchers of the CSS program.


LongMarch-5B Y2 • Tianhe – Space Station Core Module
地点(Launch Site):中国文昌航天发射场 LC-101
火箭(Vehicle):长征五号乙遥二(CZ-5B Y2)
载荷(Payload):天和-空间站核心舱 (Tianhe-1 core module)
设计寿命(Designed Life):>10年 (>10 years)

Launch date: 2021年4月29日 (29 April 2021)


https://archive.ph/ZFYWM/d4a609517e35f13c01341bb1d0d27a7d1f2a5d3b.jpg ; https://archive.ph/ZFYWM/7c0807f8c52c6f2642717f3be54e8b5bd0910afd/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210415210716/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyuTxe4UcAElNk2?format=jpg&name=large
2. Tianhe-1 core module.


https://archive.ph/hgKkW/8969b5b60db90a3a01530585febb7e470f62d916.jpg ; https://archive.ph/hgKkW/05dc2825bb8eda65e3ec885febb505deee9649f0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210415210357/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ey9uxvlWQAYJc8J?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
3. Solar panels of the Tianhe core module.


Chinese rocket for space station Tianzhou-2 cargo mission arrives at launch site
Source: Xinhua| 2021-04-12 17:40:03|Editor: huaxia

WENCHANG, Hainan, April 12 (Xinhua) -- China's Long March-7 Y3 rocket, which will launch the cargo craft of China's space station, has arrived at its launch site in southern China's Hainan Province.

The rocket, alongside the Tianzhou-2 cargo craft that has already been transported to the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, will be assembled and tested at the launch site, the China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO) said on Monday.

The CMSEO said the facilities and equipment at the launch site are in good condition and preparations are being carried out as scheduled. Enditem


Manned spacecraft, carrier rocket for Shenzhou-12 mission arrive at launch center
Source: Xinhua| 2021-04-15 16:11:08|Editor: huaxia

JIUQUAN, April 15 (Xinhua) -- The manned spacecraft and carrier rocket for the Shenzhou-12 manned space mission have arrived at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.

The manned craft and the Long March-2F carrier rocket are now undergoing final assembly and testing at the launch site, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) said on Friday.

The astronauts for the Shenzhou-12 manned space mission are participating in intensive training before embarking on their space journey, said the CMSA.

All facilities at the launch site are in good condition, and all systems that will be involved in the mission are undergoing orderly preparations, it said. Enditem



https://archive.ph/pFdOP/063215c2e3dee87fab7df7068c864a56533b3bb9.png ; https://archive.ph/pFdOP/d40b3315fa8423815ee66ecf79811f1811e26d2b/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/LVIBN/6e86d9a85055015bab976505a9e0feb1fbbd0b8f.png ; https://archive.ph/LVIBN/d40b3315fa8423815ee66ecf79811f1811e26d2b/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210415214351/https://i.imgur.com/NskJ7QN.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210415202327/https://9ifly.spacety.com/data/attachment/image/000/18/70/30_640_480.jpg ; https://9ifly.spacety.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=89336&pid=813455
4. Launch patch for Tianhe-1.


https://archive.ph/wNBCX/9feb9e5b51927d3147db2ffd7395bb6a0e9116c3.jpg ; https://archive.ph/wNBCX/921f7c01a0b6bd8fd538ad303f1031f3040f3698/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/yHB0e/762947c5a6b1968b28181b22082f3584606adead.png ; https://archive.ph/yHB0e/8c5e510dc40f2a5d0cbc9688b22f86957dd386d1/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210415214606/https://i.imgur.com/N3CQzKb.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210415201332/https://9ifly.spacety.com/data/attachment/image/000/18/86/87_640_480.jpg ; https://9ifly.spacety.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=89336&pid=819742
5. CSS Tianhe core mission on a special postmark.


https://archive.ph/pACvf/0bd0658d2250607627cc92e4039f3e18aa1c2a5c.jpg ; https://archive.ph/pACvf/f74f0ebc731efe571bd997ba37acb4768f18ab41/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210415201910/https://9ifly.spacety.com/data/attachment/image/000/18/79/00_640_480.jpg ; https://9ifly.spacety.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=89336&pid=817422
6. Joyoung Co., Ltd. (九阳) provided the core cabin kitchen equipment and water circulation equipment.


https://archive.ph/tYHc5/78b9bcd62871dd4feea1520d9e474eff39792146.jpg ; https://archive.ph/tYHc5/2bf8c664c84c784db9c0a488e5efae2d96ca9e8e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210415204620/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ey9okRDWEAIe0IP?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 ;
7. Mission 2: By May 2021 Tianzhou-2 cargo ship docking with Tianhe core module.


https://archive.ph/aSis9/c59e92ea72636bd7b52483cf5d5abbe089effb52.jpg ; https://archive.ph/aSis9/a7353b7846f5e693954fe1e932c2a5df8040d946/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210415205756/http://www.spaceflightfans.cn/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/CSS-CG.jpg ;
8. Artistic impression: 2 crewed Shenzhou docked at the same Tianhe core module during 2021?


https://archive.ph/s0Y3P/78935c462172da28cbb42ba1c7a8e9d981a7d6ba.jpg ; https://archive.ph/s0Y3P/8afed3d53c3b4010e44d74b2b262ad0dae12b14c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210415211522/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EysU2FXXIAAqQhV?format=jpg&name=medium
9. Completed CSS, by modules.






Fazanavard فضانورد
Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
An important note to commenters
This thread deals with the space program of the People's Republic of China (PRC) only. If you want to discuss the Formosat program run by the Republic of China (ROC; Taiwan), do this at: https://www.orbiter-forum.com/threads/taiwan-space-program-l-updates-news-discussion.39828/

Thank you for your extremely good-faith criticism. I will give it the attention it deserves.

Meanwhile Soheil_Esy is aware of the level of tensions between the two Asian superpowers, especially when China is set to launch its Chinese Space Station (CSS)' first module in 10 days from now!!?

In the future, please refrain from posting off topic comments.

Soheil_Esy just created specially for soumya-8974 a dedicated thread where you can post anything as you wish:

The Indian Space Station (ISS) at:






Addon Developer
Addon Developer
Mar 5, 2010
Reaction score
I guess it was a Long-March 5B (CZ5B) with no third stage and a extra-long fairing for the station module.


Fazanavard فضانورد
Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
Live coverage of CZ-5B Tianhe launch

直播回看:天和入九天 中国空间站天和核心舱出征
Streamed live on Apr 29, 2021

Tianhe TLE

CelesTrak has TLEs for 2 objects from the launch (2021-035) of TIANHE atop a Long March-5B Y2 rocket from Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on Apr 29 at 0323 UTC:

1 48274U 21035A   21119.57955017 -.55741326  91757+0 -21943+0 0  9990
2 48274  41.4743 221.0127 0078699 167.4316 320.9295 15.77033286    71
1 48275U 21035B   21119.61735435  .01105259  74456-5  42879-3 0  9992
2 48275  41.4763 220.7462 0151330 171.9220 188.4119 16.01390442    58


CZ-5B Tianhe R/B Reentry

Tiangong-1 Space Station Reentry


https://archive.ph/IA7wV/0ce1b3b251ae36e54781213e8fa984f36ba73968.jpg ; https://archive.ph/IA7wV/df80d692f622f81acafc46240ae3628c1add0bfd/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191125202314/https://3c1703fe8d.site.internapcdn.net/newman/csz/news/800/2018/pointnemoisa.jpg ; https://defence.pk/pdf/attachments/pointnemoisa-jpg.462678/?temp_hash=d8770e7e953583e1e611f08e3ef7f07a
1. Official designated reentry area for Tiangong-1: 'Point Nemo' is a watery graveyard for titanium fuel tanks and other high-tech space debris.

One place China's Earth-bound and out-of-control spacelab, Tiangong-1, will probably not hit on Sunday is the forlorn spot in the southern Pacific Ocean where it was supposed to crash.

Officially called an "ocean point of inaccessibility," this watery graveyard for titanium fuel tanks and other high-tech space debris is better known to space junkies as Point Nemo, in honour of Jules Verne's fictional submarine captain.

Point Nemo is further from land than any other dot on the globe: 2,688 kilometres (about 1,450 miles) from the Pitcairn Islands to the north, one of the Easter Islands to the northwest, and Maher Island—part of Antarctica—to the South.

"Its most attractive feature for controlled re-entries is that nobody is living there," said Stijn Lemmens, a space debris expert at the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, Germany.

"Coincidentally, it is also biologically not very diverse. So it gets used as a dumping ground—'space graveyard' would be a more polite term—mainly for cargo spacecraft," he told AFP.

Some 250 to 300 spacecraft—which have mostly burned up as they carved a path through Earth's atmosphere—have been laid to rest there, he said.

By far the largest object descending from the heavens to splash down at Point Nemo, in 2001, was Russia's MIR space lab, which weighed 120 tonnes.

"It is routinely used nowadays by the (Russian) Progress capsules, which go back-and-forth to the International Space Station (ISS)," said Lemmens.

The massive, 420-tonne ISS also has a rendezvous with destiny at Point Nemo, in 2024.

In future, most spacecraft will be "designed for demise" with materials that melt at lower temperatures, making them far less likely to survive re-entry and hit Earth's surface.

Both NASA and the ESA, for example, are switching from titanium to alumium in the manufacture of fuel tanks.

China hoisted Tiangong-1, it's first manned space lab, into space in 2011. It was slated for a controlled re-entry but ground engineers lost control in March 2016 of the eight-tonne craft in March 2016, which is when it began its descent toward a fiery end.

The chances of anyone getting hit by debris from Tiangong-1 are vanishingly small, less than one in 12 trillion, according to the ESA.

"Nemo," by the way, means "no one" in Latin.



http://archive.ph/cV3tl/bf163e9999fd5a67e042b1c1b2c00e8474e255d7.png ; https://archive.ph/cV3tl/8d51c2a8b7a153160923a68c5481423eaa590724/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191208003537/https://img.supmil.net/data/attachment/forum/201804/02/095519odzh89100rwc1eco.png ; https://defence.pk/pdf/attachments/095519odzh89100rwc1eco-png.463417/?temp_hash=f48dc947e6b71f7e34db44ba781141e7 ; https://img.supmil.net/data/attachment/forum/201804/02/095519odzh89100rwc1eco.png ; https://lt.cjdby.net/thread-2466588-1-1.html ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191208003805/https://lt.cjdby.net/thread-2466588-1-1.html ; http://archive.ph/nmFAh
5. Reentry near Mutuaura, Tuamotu Archipelago.
根据中美权威官方分析,本次落点的位置如下: 周围几乎没人,如果有这附近岛屿人拍的照片到可能是真的再入现场照片,其他地区都是假的

Official 1st April 2018 report from the French Polynesia TV channel Polynésie la 1ère:

Debris of Tiangong-1 have crashed west of Maupiti, seen by several eyewitnesses describing the reentry as a meteor shower.

A fisherman told Woullingson Raufauore, the Maupiti Mayor, by radio that debris have crashed near his boat, close to Maupelia [also known as Maupihaa], as he saw the impacts on the sea.

This was the scariest experience he has ever been through, but unharmed, he tried nonetheless to retrieve parts the debris from the ocean "without success". He returned to the island in the same afternoon.

At 08:15, 2nd April 2018, Beijing time, it was 0:15 UTC, and 12:15, 1st April 2018 French Polynesia Time.

youtube.com/watch?v=lsNvMgWY6Bg ; youtube.com/watch?v=3EnYbfVcEA0
6. Le satellite Tiangong-1 s’est écrasé au large de Maupiti. Published on Apr 1, 2018

Jean-Yves Le Gall, President of the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), the French space agency, since 2013, and also Chair of the Council of the European Space Agency (ESA) and President of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), said in this regard, on 4 April 2018, before the French National Defense and Armed Forces Committee of the National Assembly:

I admit that the way this station has reentered remains for me mysterious ...

But in recent days, the whole world, and France in particular, has lived to the rhythm of the reentry of the Chinese space station Tiangong-1, with patent untruths written in newspapers.

For their reentry in the atmosphere, all the spacecrafts under control are directed towards the point called "Nemo" in the South Pacific, that is to say in the ocean, far from any inhabited land. This is where the Mir station was deorbited. And today, we are being told that this Chinese space station, theoretically out of control, fell, coincidentally, at Nemo point! The probability that this happens randomly is about 1%. We have launched investigations and we may know one day the truth. But I doubt that chance alone contributed to this lucky reentry!

J’avoue que la façon dont cette station est retombée reste pour moi mystérieuse...
Or ces derniers jours, le monde entier, et la France en particulier, a vécu au rythme de la retombée de la station spatiale chinoise Tiangong-1, avec des contre-vérités patentes écrites dans les journaux.
Pour leur rentrée dans l’atmosphère, tous les objets sous contrôle sont orientés vers le point dit «Nemo» dans le Pacifique sud, c’est-à-dire dans l’océan, loin de toute terre habitée. C’est là qu’on avait précipité la station Mir. Et aujourd’hui, on nous explique que cette station chinoise, théoriquement hors de contrôle, est tombée, comme par hasard au point Nemo! La probabilité que cela arrive spontanément est d’environ 1 %. Nous avons lancé des investigations et nous saurons peut-être un jour de quoi il retourne. Mais je doute que seul le hasard ait contribué à cette chute appropriée!




There is no secret that Soheil has already postulated the existence of an undisclosed mechanism that is responsible for the impossible odds behind the Tiangong-1 reentry.

Indeed, Soheil posted months before the reentry that it would reenter over the South Pacific. This was confirmed on 1st April 2018.

Furthermore this uncontrolled spacecraft reentry over the South Pacific was preceded by the 15 January 2012 uncontrolled reentry of the Russian Phobos–Grunt Mars Probe, again against impossible odds.


https://archive.ph/ynV43/3bc6c92bb24643aba7de5b28c08b240cf08cf473.jpg ; https://archive.ph/ynV43/682bd01c623d52a98022f8aaa91bd4ca2ceee67f/scr.png ; http://www.russianspaceweb.com/images/spacecraft/planetary/mars/phobos_grunt/reentry/reentry_map_2012_01_15_Cb_1.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20190426194613/http://www.russianspaceweb.com/phobos_grunt_reentry.html ; https://defence.pk/pdf/attachments/reentry_map_2012_01_15_cb_1-jpg.458631/?temp_hash=a775523a2fc44b8a75ddd84168d9cac3
4. An official map of the Phobos-Grunt reentry released by Roskosmos by 20:00 Moscow Time on Jan. 15, 2012.
Notice the similarity with Tiangong-1 regarding the relative location of the impact zone.


Following the 15 January Phobos–Grunt reentry, the US Strategic Command confirmed a reentry time of 17:46 GMT, referring to an altitude of 80 km at 46°S and 87°W, near the South American coastline. This corresponds to a pass at 10 km altitude about seven minutes later – very close to ESA’s prediction.

“While this was an uncontrolled reentry, the location of the potential impact area was largely over ocean, with a correspondingly low probability of any detrimental effects,” said Prof. Heiner Klinkrad, Head of ESA’s Space Debris Office in Darmstadt, Germany.


This time, the CZ-5B Tianhe R/B also out of control has nonetheless reentered over an uninhabited/least populated territory, near the Maldives.

To further prove the existence of this tool responsible for the controlled reentry of unresponsive deorbiting space objects, we will have many more opportunities in the coming months:


https://archive.ph/GO7SR/c055a94eaf3ca5237245edb83656422a40e3d1e6.jpg ; https://archive.ph/GO7SR/55304545d6e0615bc8e0eece7410d99f515e8c9c/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210415203443/https://9ifly.spacety.com/data/attachment/image/000/18/65/42_640_480.jpg ; https://9ifly.spacety.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=89336&pid=811475

1. First eleven launchers of the CSS program.

This includes 2 more CZ-5B rockets within 2 years.

If all CZ-5B rockets' 2nd stage were to reenter over the same area in the Indian Ocean or Pacific Ocean, one would have to question:

Whether there is a deorbiting secret system controlled by an unknown organization

This organization is probably not from China

The official prediction by China Manned Space (CMS): 34.43°N, 28.38°E is located between Cyprus and Heraklion.

发布日期: 2021-05-09


At 7:24 on May 9, 2021, the final stage wreckage of the Long March 5B Yao-2 carrier rocket orbits: the height of the perigee is about 130km, the height of the apogee is about 160km, and the inclination angle is 41.5°. The estimated time of re-entry is at 10:12 ± 15 minutes on May 9, and the center of the re-entry area is located at 28.38° east longitude and 34.43° north latitude.


But this was only a copy from the wrong prevision by Space-Track.org, between Cyprus and Heraklion:

New update by @SpaceTrackOrg:
2:13 AM · May 9, 2021
New update by @SpaceTrackOrg:

Reentry: 9 may 02:11 UTC ± 1 hour

Reentry is imminent.

Very similar to last prediction, but with center of reentry window further west.

90% of this track is over ocean.


https://archive.ph/gIZKO/8ffa0623dfbc718566f3d84e404a7ab176afb25a.jpg ; https://archive.ph/gIZKO/22d08c9288c339fc5c917fcb6ce893d4a419bd03/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210509212403/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E0563uWWEAY5oxk?format=jpg&name=large ; https://archive.ph/T3o6O ; https://archive.ph/T3o6O/c49691b8e2cccfac699004be0a3f876b43eeec69/scr.png
2. New update by @SpaceTrackOrg: 2:13 AM · May 9, 2021


This organization is probably neither from the U.S.

Indeed, time predicted by U.S. DoD 02h04mn UTC also inaccurate:

Update: obj. 48275 #TIANHE-1 CZ-5B R/B decay prediction: May 09, 2021 UTC 02h37mn ± 2h.
11:45 PM · May 8, 2021

Joseph Remis@jremis

If time of actual decay is the one predicted by DoD (UTC 02h04mn)
Sighting from Portugal and Spain


https://archive.ph/V3qIU/0bc05b87c887229fa22b42db608fa617b7cbeafe.jpg ; https://archive.ph/V3qIU/5db31fb413fac5ad87352c309aef6aefe3fa8183/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210509215339/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E05RtfoXoAYwivp?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210509215448/https://twitter.com/jremis/status/1391147298277691394 ; https://archive.ph/Lszlf ; https://archive.ph/Lszlf/b96158f5217af4b7ee33b699f8371bfca5c9a27e/scr.png
3. Time of actual decay predicted by DoD (UTC 02h04mn).


Compared to the post reentry reported time and location:


https://archive.ph/ARHXA/f6a8ee84d42f193509ce30e574f0fb1495417d97.jpg ; https://archive.ph/ARHXA/ad4e627fb580a8f464602915e45107fc977515ee/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210509220154/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E09EewgWYAMy7qd?format=jpg&name=large ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210509220239/https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1391457587699322886 ; https://archive.ph/fo1A0 ; https://archive.ph/fo1A0/f61dc50cb0e8d411079ed5462c48b4d1df21f5fd/scr.png
4. Post reentry reported time and location.

To sum up, Soheil claims that:

If it exists, this organization is therefore probably transnational

Then this deorbiting network is probably located geographically all over the world, possibly at least partly if not all in space

Furthermore, the deorbiting network might be using laser or some other directed energy as vector





Last edited:


Fazanavard فضانورد
Apr 5, 2015
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https://archive.ph/4TrKf/3444cdf488baddd58bd2eadcbee84f9f779abc38.jpg ; https://archive.ph/4TrKf/3029128a3a44a36576dbc5768f1d738461ef08f7/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529134329/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E0xhkGQVUAMdQZV?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/HenriKenhmann/status/1390593899635175424
1. Le module core #Tianhe de la station spatiale chinoise #CSS avec son bras robotique déployé, photographié par Philippe Smith le 6 Mai depuis New York. May 7, 2021


https://archive.ph/ziSk5/797e800ef743507d4abb67421180b05f6a72382e.jpg ; https://archive.ph/ziSk5/9cb48c680e6ce1f1b5ad3448f795cf76ae5ad3e7/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529134059/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1HKe4oVgAIiFaM?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; https://twitter.com/HenriKenhmann/status/1392116396566491145
2. Le module core #Tianhe de la station spatiale chinoise, possiblement en image optique, qui date du 6 Mai vers 13h30 heure de Pekin. On voit le bra robotique déployé. Si c’est une photo on ignore alors comment ça a été prise. A confirmer. · May 11, 2021


https://archive.ph/9oAkt/28a16c6a8c51f8e76275ce77aade9223bb08c225.jpg ; https://archive.ph/9oAkt/d16f55fe9b37bf5cf7661a2b722fd94cc7eed260/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529133438/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1rDyY6UYAMcewL?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; https://twitter.com/HenriKenhmann/status/1394642310881632263
3. Le module core #Tianhe de la station spatiale chinoise #CSS a terminé tous les tests en orbite de son bras robotique. Ce dernier est long de 10m extensible à 15m, capable de manipuler jusqu’à 25t, et avec une précision de positionnement de 45mm. Sa durée de vie est de 15 ans. May 18, 2021.

Comment le bras robotique de la station spatial chinoise #CSS va aller d'un point à un autre. May 18, 2021.
Design of robotic arm for China’s Tiangong Space Station revealed
May 18, 2021


CSS Mission 2: Tianzhou-2 Cargo


https://archive.ph/BiTXb/f71312081e94216bfa15bfa167c9b811b9005ec0.jpg ; https://archive.ph/BiTXb/b1d49a3433ca03b3cc338c3cb6f86d3ff14c7334/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529140855/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2j5oceXwAEN_L_?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/TheElegant055/status/1398642160052883456 ; https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/NRSu2SJtUXFQoTDZHiruFA
4. 八院徽章(SAST). May 29, 2021·


https://archive.ph/NJTd4/4cc39041ca7d0c0851b27044024f2a5f66271e4e.jpg ; https://archive.ph/NJTd4/df2c0cc622f2624912cd057081da3f3624ed44a3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529134716/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E11Yv75XEAMemRi?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/Kaynouky/status/1395369044765782019
5. Une superbe vue d’artiste de Tianzhou 2 survolant la France (?) !Le rendu est très fidèle jusque dans les détails, et on aperçoit la prise pour le bras robotique. En effet à la fin de sa mission il devrait servir à expérimenter le déplacement de charges lourdes ! May 20, 2021.


https://archive.ph/dTIUH/881f0964b9b272fda1185a4dfb564ad983d7769a.jpg ; https://archive.ph/dTIUH/0a446c36e519a0e28c94b52fd4cf1936b39a95f1/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529132445/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2cmkRXXMAcpS1P?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/iBd6S77Ivw72xPk/status/1398129030918983680
6. 天宇·追箭者联盟携手整流罩工作室,共同呈现:中国航天“快递小哥”开启新征程!长征快递已揽收,目标天和!哔哩哔哩Bilibili 推特Twitter 油管Youtube倾情巨献! May 28, 2021·


https://archive.ph/whBDx/8a25d149d840c2ee94a49a5e1c9bfa793760bf8c.jpg ; https://archive.ph/whBDx/181d340908272587179ba602337aa20bd41a9554/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529135244/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E11W3fLXoAAcaCB?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/Kaynouky/status/1395366974960635906
7. Une belle photo du vaisseau cargo Tianzhou qui s’apprête à décoller ce soir ! La large section pressurisée avec le cargo proprement dit est à gauche, à droite le module de service. En haut on trouve l’antenne grand gain pour communiquer avec les satellites relais. May 20, 2021


https://archive.ph/ByrDc/3d3c2443cbcb96b3371d2cceec8b461c0bbc6d66.jpg ; https://archive.ph/ByrDc/c7496366bab802fdfc95d33e476ad13fcfb079df/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529133715/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1kx-wEVIAcD7UZ?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; https://twitter.com/HenriKenhmann/status/1394200519250378753
8. Le vaisseau cargo Tianzhou-2, qui sera lancé d’ici quelques jours, va emmener 3 mois de vives et de matériels pour 3 Taikonautes, soit un total de 4,69t de cargaison, plus 1,95t de carburant pour la station spatiale chinoise #CSS. May 17, 2021·


https://archive.ph/qQRU0/b4c3a064f104e674047fd8f511b63326a62988e1.jpg ; https://archive.ph/qQRU0/d1952b85cddc8be529925d53f61ddc57becc7b16/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529132901/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2iNFXRVcAMWo5O?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 ; https://twitter.com/vony7_/status/1398522970893553666
9. Launch Profile for #Tianzhou2 mission to dock with Tianhe core module. May 29, 2021·


https://archive.is/f0Opb/e99cc39cc54ad7efb626b2a84e41ee56ce0c1c9b.jpg ; https://archive.is/f0Opb/df14e934c375d2cdf193dcd3b7f85029eba81511/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529131428/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2eIBP8VUAcnSna?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/HenriKenhmann/status/1398236022568218627
10. Nouvelle tentative pour le lancement du vaisseau cargo Tianzhou-2, à destination de la station spatiale chinoise #CSS. Il est prévu désormais au 29 Mai vers 20h30 heure de Pékin.
Les zones de retombée se succèdent et se trouvent dans la mer de Chine méridionale. May 28, 2021

China plans to launch the #Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft at around 8:55 p.m. (Beijing Time) Saturday, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).

The Long March-7 Y3 carrier rocket, carrying Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft, is filled with propellant and ready for launch.


https://archive.ph/xJ3AY/8c57870cadc2412991a28d3e1b6e3996c6d74f65.jpg ; https://archive.ph/xJ3AY/89bf3cc7fc2009731a8698113c94a211a04db0a5/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529131652/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2jmyMJX0AUDMQ0?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/iBd6S77Ivw72xPk/status/1398621534319779858
11. 时隔4年,长征七号火箭即将再次冲向太空! A view of the Long March 7 ten minutes before launch

Live video bilibili
直播 天舟二号货运飞船今晚发射

China launched its Tianzhou2 cargo spacecraft to the country’s space station on Sat. at around 8:55 pm from Wenchang spaceport. It will be the 1st supply mission for China's Tianhe space station core cabin.


https://archive.ph/ab3c0/bc52358bf797cc5c25fca17c77f97d1ad5f56473.jpghttps://archive.ph/ab3c0/af285af0e50a7f202a7c035615bed14fb85486de/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529131720/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2jpXw-WEAYEUPX?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/1398624305823485954
12. Liftoff of the Long March 7 from Wenchang, carrying the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft.


https://archive.ph/4F05b/1d67d8e01e1b270f573dd18952ffd5d097255e35.jpghttps://archive.ph/4F05b/c6da7334c490ff00f2b7939a002f61b3509549ff/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529131750/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2jr3sEVIAApofj?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/iBd6S77Ivw72xPk/status/1398627062286405636
13. 出大片了! May 29, 2021

The special CMS coverage on CCTV-13 has started! 关注CCTV-13特别节目


https://archive.ph/J7anO/f257dab15351c1df0b026bce6af63b0f3f3308ce.jpg ; https://archive.ph/J7anO/d29fd282526a095fc3a3642a1ef649e22781a70e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529140152/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2jyznlWYAEdkV2?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/TheElegant055/status/1398634677607542784
14. CCTV-13中国空间站特别节目正在回放发射过程 May 29, 2021·


https://archive.ph/YpHta/ea2eca5d85b2975436fa1c7dce641089d2c0c996.jpg ; https://archive.ph/YpHta/dd83fe9ea7723e983743e7bc1d04580ce99dec9d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210529140532/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2j4w7ZXwAID_RR?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/TheElegant055/status/1398641205760696320
15. 点火起飞约604秒后船箭分离,21时17分帆板展开

Tianzhou-2 Cargo separated from the CZ-7 Y3 launcher at T=604 seconds after ignition, solar arrays deployed at 21:17 Beijing Time (13:17 UTC).






Fazanavard فضانورد
Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score

CelesTrak has TLEs for 5 objects from the launch (2021-046) of TIANZHOU-2 atop a Long March-7 Y3 rocket from Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on 29 May at 20:55 Beijing Time (12:55 UTC):

1 48803U 21046A   21149.72373240 -.00000390  00000-0  00000+0 0  9993
2 48803  41.4673  35.8882 0006007  23.9702  85.0917 15.69587901    23
1 48804U 21046B   21150.07631370 -.00002387  75540-5  00000+0 0  9999
2 48804  41.4725  33.5801 0096215 180.5336 179.5627 16.05781033    87
1 48805U 21046C   21150.08847230  .01443717  67521-5  18073-2 0  9993
2 48805  41.1332  33.7715 0233271 162.1210 198.8153 15.71454004    93
1 48806U 21046D   21150.08693069 -.00002237  70839-5  00000+0 0  9995
2 48806  41.3174  33.7036 0215206 150.9206 210.4495 15.75833102    98
1 48807U 21046E   21150.08842622 -.00002282  72295-5  00000+0 0  9995
2 48807  41.8326  33.5955 0240583 177.7063 182.4944 15.70123176    90

Live: Special coverage on successful launch of China's Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft 54m30s

Introduction of Tianzhou-2 Cargo Spacecraft
May 30, 2021
The docking of China's newly-launched cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-2 and its Tianhe space station is fully automatic and the spacecraft has a specialized smart cargo managing system to replenish the station, said experts.
The Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft, carried by the Long March-7 Y3 rocket, blasted off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province at around 20:55 Beijing time on Saturday, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).

China Successfully Launches Tianzhou-2 Cargo Spacecraft
May 29, 2021
China launched its cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-2 on Saturday to dock with the space station core module Tianhe.

China's Cargo Craft Successfully Docks with Space Station Module
May 30, 2021
China's cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-2, carrying supplies, equipment and propellant, successfully docked with the space station core module Tianhe on Sunday, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).

Tianzhou 2 cargo ship docks with Tianhe core module, becoming first visiting spacecraft to station

2021-05-30 09:13:49

Tianzhou 2, a robotic cargo ship launched on Saturday evening, docked with Tianhe — the recently deployed core module of the country's permanent space station — early on Sunday morning, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

The cargo ship flew with a Long March 7 carrier rocket that blasted off at 8:55 pm at a coastal launchpad at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in the southernmost island province of Hainan.

After a 10-minute flight atop the 53-meter rocket, the craft entered a low-Earth orbit, unfolded its solar panels and then began to execute the rapid autonomous rendezvous and docking procedures that lasted about eight hours, the agency said in a statement.

Tianzhou 2 successfully docked with Tianhe's rear hatch at 5:01 am. Next, it is programmed to conduct autonomous refueling operations and carry out some tests on equipment, according to the statement.

When astronauts from the Shenzhou XII spacecraft board on Tianhe, they will move living materials and mission payloads from Tianzhou 2 to the core module.

Tianhe, or Harmony of Heavens, was lifted by a Long March 5B heavy-lift rocket at the Wenchang launch center on April 29. It is the first part of the Chinese space station, named Tiangong, or Heavenly Palace.

Before docking with Tianzhou 2, Tianhe had carried out a series of tests to verify its designs for rendezvous and docking maneuvers, astronaut accommodation as well as experimental equipment.

Hao Chun, director of the manned space agency, said previously that the Shenzhou XII spacecraft, carrying three men, will launch and dock with Tianhe early next month. The crew will stay in the module for three months.

Tianzhou 2's launch was originally scheduled for the early morning of May 20, but mission commanders decided to postpone the launch shortly before the predetermined ignition time because a technical problem on the rocket was detected.

Over the past 10 days, engineers and technicians from the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, which designed and built the rocket, raced against time to pinpoint and solve the problem, according to the academy.

A Tianzhou cargo spaceship consists of two parts — a cargo cabin and a propulsion section. It is 10.6 meters long and has a diameter of 3.35 meters. With a liftoff weight of 13.5 metric tons, the craft is able to transport up to 6.9 metric tons of supplies to the space station, according to Bai Mingsheng, Tianzhou's chief designer at the China Academy of Space Technology.

With a designed life of more than 1 year, Tianzhou 2, the country's second cargo spaceship, is carrying 6.8 tons of supplies including 2 tons of propellants, more than 160 packages of living and experiment materials and two 100-kilogram extravehicular suits for astronauts to perform activities outside the core module.

During its linkup with Tianhe, the cargo ship will also hold scientific experiments and technology demonstration operations, according to Bai.

The designer said that when Tianzhou 2 departs from Tianhe, it will carry wastes from the module and burn up during the atmospheric reentry.

Hao from the manned space agency said the Tianzhou 3 cargo ship will be launched in September to dock with Tianhe. The next month, another three-astronaut team will fly to the core module on Shenzhou XIII to stay there for six months.

Two large space labs will be launched next year to connect with the module. 2022 will also see two manned missions and two robotic cargo flights to continue construction of the space station, which is scheduled to be completed around the end of next year.

China's most adventurous space endeavor, Tiangong will consist of three main components — a core module attached to two space labs — with a combined weight of nearly 70 metric tons. The entire station is set to work for about 15 years, mission planners have said.

Tianzhou 2's predecessor, Tianzhou 1, was China's biggest spacecraft when it entered service and was launched at the Wenchang launch center in April 2017.

It carried out several docking and in-orbit refueling maneuvers with a Chinese space laboratory in a low-Earth orbit from April to September that year, making China the third nation capable of in-orbit refueling, after the former Soviet Union and the United States.


China Space Station: What does Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft look like?

Space 15:41, 30-May-2021

China's Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft, the "delivery guy" for China's space station, docked with the newly-launched Tianhe core module early Sunday morning, eight hours after its launch from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site.

The Tianzhou-2 cargo ship has a length of 10.6 meters and a width of 14.9 meters when its two solar arrays are fully deployed. With a maximum takeoff weight of 13.5 tonnes and a payload capacity of 6.9 tonnes, it is the world's largest cargo spacecraft in service.

It is composed of two segments, a cargo compartment with a diameter of 3.35 meters and a propulsion compartment with a diameter of 2.8 meters. Supplies are loaded inside the pressurized cargo section and propellant in the propulsion section.

The cargo compartment has a room of around 40 cubic meters, with 208 lockers to store different categories of goods.

Various supplies for the astronauts and space experimental gear are stored inside the lockers. There are also two spacesuits for extra-vehicular activities, each weighing more than 100 kilograms.

It also delivers space food, including many traditional Chinese dishes. From staple to non-staple food, meat to vegetables, the menu design is of high quality and appetizing for astronauts. Famous stir-fried Chinese dishes like shredded pork with garlic sauce and Kung Pao chicken are both on the menu.

In the past, astronauts often had difficulties finding the things they wanted quickly because of the large quantity and variety of goods onboard. Tianzhou-2 has solved the problem by using an intelligent cargo management system. There is a QR code on each locker, and astronauts just need to scan the QR code with their phones to find out what's inside every locker.

Except for delivering daily supplies and science equipment for the astronauts, another critical task for Tianzhou-2 is to replenish the propellant for the Tianhe core module.

There are eight storage tanks in the propulsion compartment, with 3.5 tonnes of propellant loaded, 2.5 tonnes of which is to refuel the Tianhe core module. The remainder is for its own operational needs.

The cargo craft will operate in orbit for one year. Its power supply capacity is no less than 2,700 watts. It can also carry out multiple in-orbit refueling missions.

A powerful propulsion system

A powerful propulsion system is a must for such a big spacecraft as Tianzhou-2 to conduct maneuvers and dock with the Tianhe core module.

Tianzhou-2 is equipped with 36 engines, including four enormous power orbital control engines used for maneuvers like changing orbit and some small power engines for fine-tuning its position.


https://archive.ph/j0jeM/62addcdd1c69a1db488f82e95ff818f5f2e8c9b7.png ; https://archive.ph/j0jeM/368816ad8e339c568d76369932b82be16717a570/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210530123340/https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-05-30/China-Space-Station-What-does-Tianzhou-2-cargo-spacecraft-look-like--10GpmuoPgQ0/img/a9d550e9307346a2b6c2f91f7e0ab8fb/a9d550e9307346a2b6c2f91f7e0ab8fb.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530123630/https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-05-30/China-Space-Station-What-does-Tianzhou-2-cargo-spacecraft-look-like--10GpmuoPgQ0/index.html ; https://archive.ph/733L4

1. A model showing China's Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft docks with its space station core module Tianhe.


https://archive.ph/yBzou/9c057b85c29a6d40946c65959f6d073cb6a115c3.png ; https://archive.ph/yBzou/9c057b85c29a6d40946c65959f6d073cb6a115c3.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210530123354/https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-05-30/China-Space-Station-What-does-Tianzhou-2-cargo-spacecraft-look-like--10GpmuoPgQ0/img/3b23257df027443dba8aadc42d545ad9/3b23257df027443dba8aadc42d545ad9.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530123630/https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-05-30/China-Space-Station-What-does-Tianzhou-2-cargo-spacecraft-look-like--10GpmuoPgQ0/index.html ; https://archive.ph/733L4

2. The cargo compartment of Tianzhou-2 has a room of around 40 cubic meters, with 208 lockers to store different categories of goods.


https://archive.ph/Z9Yyv/aaff7facdafcf39074fe3baa5064cdcc3f1bc625.png ; https://archive.ph/Z9Yyv/83a66b1d29cbce2afb2394957dbec4d929274258/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530123623/https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-05-30/China-Space-Station-What-does-Tianzhou-2-cargo-spacecraft-look-like--10GpmuoPgQ0/img/635454e8771040ec863b0af6b4648034/635454e8771040ec863b0af6b4648034.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530123630/https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-05-30/China-Space-Station-What-does-Tianzhou-2-cargo-spacecraft-look-like--10GpmuoPgQ0/index.html ; https://archive.ph/733L4
3. The Tianzhou-2 cargo freighter is composed of two segments, a cargo compartment (L) with a diameter of 3.35 meters and a propulsion compartment (R) with a diameter of 2.8 meters.



https://archive.ph/38BRs/3344caf261fd94ace589e1d82eb3b74941e55455.jpg ; https://archive.ph/38BRs/110b8cb3a337f39d6d1cd50a792375c3753a33a6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530124613/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2mS4ASVUAA46KC?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530124711/https://twitter.com/PDChina/status/1398810788429586435 ; https://archive.ph/sqybL ; https://archive.ph/sqybL/dd0119e864cc09a79281462a606fe4b71f7c182e/scr.png
4. China's cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-2, carrying supplies, equipment and propellant, successfully docked with the space station core module Tianhe on Sunday, according to the China Manned Space Agency. May 30, 2021·


https://archive.ph/NTeyl/b20225ee2d5ae47d12f995b1fca807e03f9dda7e.jpg ; https://archive.ph/NTeyl/c0dc41642a7054556d574bfe638df0254d71d6d5/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530124743/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2mS4kgVIAAwfe6?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530124711/https://twitter.com/PDChina/status/1398810788429586435 ; https://archive.ph/sqybL ; https://archive.ph/sqybL/dd0119e864cc09a79281462a606fe4b71f7c182e/scr.png
5. China's cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-2, carrying supplies, equipment and propellant, successfully docked with the space station core module Tianhe on Sunday, according to the China Manned Space Agency.. May 30, 2021·


https://archive.ph/ibBgN/845e551e4438187ed786111e92a8ef8a5aaa89c9.jpg ; https://archive.ph/ibBgN/1ccb5af9df6eb60c32c18b20923b151024ddc651/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530130945/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2mDLo9XIAIiKUR?format=jpg&name=medium ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530131238/https://twitter.com/TGSpaceStation/status/1398793398656581633 ; https://archive.ph/nxn7 ;
6. Screenshots of Sun Rise and our planet Earth from China’s #Tiangong Space Station. May 30, 2021·


https://archive.ph/SfxM5/43409f65aa8ca09b19d9a335144d816cab9c2d54.jpg ; https://archive.ph/SfxM5/f8c347ed34d579e8af22af0adbba2e51e2a74bd1/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530131046if_/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2mDLo9X0AQGSuA?format=jpg&name=medium ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210530131238/https://twitter.com/TGSpaceStation/status/1398793398656581633 ; https://archive.ph/nxn7T
7. Screenshots of Sun Rise and our planet Earth from China’s #Tiangong Space Station. May 30, 2021·






Active member
Jul 8, 2013
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Greater London
Interesting, a crew launched to it just the other day.

I couldn't help but pause to think on the differences between the space nations, the fact that they are going their own ways is a cause for concern as much as it may not be one. Competition in this field is fine, but the path of which each of them take is obviously another. Their stations won't share the spacecraft dock structure. Perhaps for the UFO's.:giggle:


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2018
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Their stations won't share the spacecraft dock structure. Perhaps for the UFO's.:giggle:
IDK what do you mean with this reply. The Tiangong modular station (I will continue to call it "Tianhe" after its core module to distinguish with Tiangong 1 and Tiangong 2) is able to be docked with Shenzhou and Tianzhou. The docking system used by the Chinese space agency is probably copied from the Soyuz spacecraft, according to my analysis of the following image shared by Soheil_Esy (it is difficult to guess from which side this image is taken BTW):

Edit: I've just heard that three astronauts arrived at the Tianhe module. Now they will be staying at the station for three months. See the AFP report published by NDTV: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/chi...cessfully-with-tiangong-space-station-2466024
Last edited:


Active member
Jul 8, 2013
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Greater London
I heard from CNN on the fact that there wasn't an agreement for the American and Chinese space cooperation, and the docking structure was one of them.


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Aug 14, 2018
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According to an image from Wikimedia Commons, the final configuration of the Tiangong space station (yes, I'm no longer using "Tianhe" for the whole station) consists of only three modules: Tianhe, Wentian and Mengtian, far less than the number of modules at Mir (7) or the ISS (17, excluding the truss segments and other unpressurised components).


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2016
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According to an image from Wikimedia Commons, the final configuration of the Tiangong space station (yes, I'm no longer using "Tianhe" for the whole station) consists of only three modules: Tianhe, Wentian and Mengtian, far less than the number of modules at Mir (7) or the ISS (17, excluding the truss segments and other unpressurised components).
there is a difference between the stations, for example, like a mobile phone from the 80s and a modern mobile phone. progress does not stand still


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2018
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