Textures Discussion for the new starters on textures.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
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As a new starter in Orbiter seeking realism. I had a difficult time finding an awsome texture for earth surface. I narrowed it down to 3 from hours of researching oppinions and various forums. One was a wipe out after 5 hours of downloading with Dail up, some may run into the same issue if this is the case. It turned out to be some type of file that could not be opened when it was to be a Zipfile. The second was also a heavy hitter in the fellow community, it was for the older version of Orbiter. It did not specify by the discription if it was exclusive for that version or if it would would also work with the 2006 P1. I passed it by not wanting to foul up my directories in the main Orbiter folder. Number 3 was also very highly recomemded and was specified for use with the newer 2006 P1 version of Orbiter. So I will opt to go with that being that choices has run out it seems till a better add on for Earth is created higher than the L 10. Not complaining, just trying to save time and aggrivation for newbies out there. I would like lights on the night side of my Earth to add to realism. To me its just a given of reality. Too much dedication work and time goes into the creation of these free add ons for folks to enjoy, for such vauge descriptions to be made for them while posting. My #2 choice above had lights included in the package. I was affraid to integrate it into a newer version of orbiter. It lacked a "point blank" stateing it was or was not alright to do it. I believe choice # 3 above my finale selection is going to be liked much for my add on collection. Again though it also had a very vauge descpition as to weather lights was or was not included. The reason for this thread is to bring to life and make the point that hours and days can go into builing an add on but then for some reason while posting to the general public a very short few minutes for a thourough desciption can not be made. It doesn't make much since at all. People in the Orbiter community "vetrans" you may know by time, all of us are not vetrans, I would like to see Orbiter Forum as well as all other add on sites as Orbit Hanger as a good example of this please find a way to make this issue more user friendly to the newcomer. Thanks


The Seeker
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
For exactly that reason we have the Recommended Addons page.
One addition to the above post. Saying "for the latest orbiter version" is NOT good practice.