OFSS IV Full Install Walkthrough


Addon Developer
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
This is a walkthrough of setting up a clean installation specifically for OFSS IV.You may be wondering 'I have Orbiter running already, so I can just install what's missing, right?'. Wrong! Very often you will find that a particular install sequence of addons causes a conflict, which thenyou patch and cause some other problem, and so on. The idea of installing a clean OFSS IV directory is to make sure we can all run the same scenarios with confidence that they are going to work as Castor intended.

**NEW** If you want to try out a new simple installer, check out CSVInstall here: [ame="http://www.orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=6563"]http://www.orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=6563[/ame]. Kamaz's utility automates what I go through manually below, though note you may need to run it a few times to get through all the download steps.

Let's get started.

The general plan is we will create a download directory as a master repository ('repo') of all the files you need. We will pull everything down first, then install one by one. Some of the files will be in RAR format. If you have not come across this before, then go to http://7-zip.org/ now and download 7-Zip 9.20 (2010-11-18) for Windows in the format of your choice (e.g. 64-bit x64 if you are running a 64-bit Windows, else choose the 32-bit x86 version).

Go ahead and create a new directory for your OFSS repo. I'm using J:\OFSSIVDL, but you can call it whatever you like. Just make sure it's empty!


Download the following:

1. http://orbithangar.com/orbDownload.php?file=orbiter100830.zip The core Orbiter 2010 P1 distribution
2. http://d3d9client.codeplex.com/# D3D9 client. Just hit the purple download button
3. and 4. http://orbiter.dansteph.com/forum/index.php?page=download Download both the OrbiterSound 4.0 and UCGO 3.0 + Ummu 3.0 - 2014 Edition
5. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=3177 Space Station Building Blocks 4.1B)
6. http://ge.tt/api/1/files/8QSoFhh1/0/blob?download Interplanetary Modular Spacecraft RC9
7. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=6036 Themis-A Launch Vehicle 1.0
8. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=6216 HCLV Hyperion
9. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=6251 HCLV-4 Sidemount expansion
10. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=1292 Space Tugs
11. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=2857 Various Space Station Modules
12. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=5351 CMG v2.0
13. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=3373 Universal Remote Manipulator System, release 3
14. http://www.alteaaerospace.com/ccount/click.php?id=3 XR-2 Ravenstar 1.6a
15. http://www.alteaaerospace.com/ccount/click.php?id=2 XR-5 Vanguard 1.9a
16. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=5729 Carl Sagan Space Center (Banaba Island)
17. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=3666 Wideawake International
18. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=3388 Velcro Rockets v1.11
19. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=6438 M-II + Negi-5 launch vehicles v0.2.1
20. http://orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=2139 AeroBrakeMFD
21. http://orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=3165 Attitude MFD V3.2
22. http://orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=2802 Launch MFD - v. 1.6.2 for Orbiter 2010
23. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=6023 HUDDrawer SDK v.0.3
24. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=6412 ModuleMessaging SDK v. 1.1
25. http://users.kymp.net/p501474a/Orbiter/BaseSyncMFD23.zip BaseSyncMFD Version 2.0 - 16.06.2010
26. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=6221 RV Orientation V3.01
27. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=5969 Glideslope 2.3
29. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=26999 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redist
30. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=30653 .Net Framework 4.5
31. http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=6424 Negishima Space Center 0.1
32. http://kulch.spb.ru/cgi-bin/download.pl?file=PayloadManagerForOrbiter.zipPayload Manager for Orbiter
33. [ame="http://www.orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=6413"]BurnTimeCalcMFD (BTC) 2.7[/ame]BurnTimeCalcMFD (BTC) 2.7 <<< Newly added (July 5th)
34. [ame="http://www.orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=6393"]TransX 2014.04.26 ModuleMessaging[/ame]TransX 2014.04.26 ModuleMessaging <<< Newly added (July 5th)
35. [ame="http://www.orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=3279"]Screen capture[/ame]Screen Capture <<< Newly added (July 5th)
36. http://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=34020Current release of OFSS (at bottom of original post)

If you go to a command prompt and do a directory of your repo, the file list and sizes should look like this (note that the dates will be different):

 Directory of J:\OFSSIVDL

07/05/2014  11:40 AM    <DIR>          .
07/05/2014  11:40 AM    <DIR>          ..
05/24/2014  05:04 PM           769,917 AeroBrake0.96.2.zip
05/24/2014  05:04 PM           173,584 AttitudeMFD_V3.2_20072912.zip
05/24/2014  05:05 PM           380,051 BaseSyncMFD23.zip
07/04/2014  11:34 AM         2,386,525 BurnTimeCalcMFD-v.2.7.zip
05/24/2014  10:43 AM         1,637,950 CMG v2.0.zip
05/24/2014  11:00 AM         7,615,109 cssc_v1_0_2.zip
05/24/2014  08:31 AM         1,093,177 D3D9ClientR12.zip
05/24/2014  09:08 AM         1,005,568 dotNetFx45_Full_setup.exe
05/24/2014  05:05 PM         1,735,030 GS2_3_2013.12.01b.zip
05/24/2014  10:35 AM           228,257 HCLV-4-Sidemount.zip
05/24/2014  10:31 AM         4,491,475 HCLV_Hyperion_v1_02.zip
05/24/2014  05:04 PM           233,221 HUDDrawerSDK-v.0.3.zip
05/24/2014  08:52 AM         4,910,930 IMS RC9.rar
05/24/2014  05:04 PM         5,179,112 LaunchMFD-v.1.6.2-2010.zip
05/24/2014  05:04 PM         3,817,684 M-II_Negi-5.zip
05/24/2014  05:04 PM           224,017 ModuleMessagingSDK-v.1.1.zip
05/25/2014  08:47 AM         2,776,469 Negishima.zip
07/04/2014  11:02 AM           189,213 OFSS.zip
05/24/2014  08:18 AM       135,352,685 orbiter100830.zip
05/24/2014  08:36 AM        53,435,368 OrbiterSound40_20121120_setup.exe
05/24/2014  09:12 AM         3,128,161 PayloadManagerForOrbiter.zip
05/24/2014  05:05 PM           687,009 RV Orientation V3.01.zip
05/24/2014  08:42 AM         8,791,575 SBB41B.rar
07/05/2014  11:40 AM            16,389 ScreenCapture.zip
05/24/2014  10:37 AM         7,980,516 SpaceTugs_4.zip
05/24/2014  10:41 AM         5,272,951 SpacStationModules.zip
05/24/2014  09:00 AM         4,630,600 Themis-A_1_01.zip
07/05/2014  11:29 AM         1,046,046 Transx-2014.04.26-Auto-Center-fix.zip
05/24/2014  08:42 AM       202,194,042 UCGO30_2010_20140109.exe
05/24/2014  10:47 AM         2,559,264 UniversalRMS3.zip
05/24/2014  05:06 PM         8,990,552 vcredist_x86.EXE
05/24/2014  10:58 AM        14,080,870 Velcro Rockets.zip
05/24/2014  10:57 AM         5,502,843 Wideawake_International.zip
05/24/2014  10:51 AM        99,425,352 XR2Ravenstar-1.6a.zip
05/24/2014  11:07 AM        80,447,899 XR5Vanguard-1.9a.zip
              35 File(s)    672,389,411 bytes

(If you are missing any files, or you have any partial downloads with 0 length, go back and find the link that you missed, or wait for the downloads to complete).


The next stage is the installation. We need to do these in strict order, so any overwrites are done consistently for your install. Create a new root directory ('OFSS IV root') for your OFSS IV installation. I'm going to use OFSSIV, but you can choose whatever name you prefer. We are going to do four types of install operations:

EXTRACT. This is simply extracting the contents of the zip file into the OFSS IV root. Just right-click the file, select extract all, and select your OFSS IV root directory and press Extract.
RAR-EXTRACT. We'll use 7-Zip as mentioned at the top (or swap for your extract tool). Right-click the file, Open With... 7-Zip File Manager, select Extract, select your OFSS IV root directory and press OK.
EXECUTE. Just double-click the exe.
ZIP-EXECUTE. Double-click the zip file to open it, then double click the exe file, then click RUN.

Let's now do the installation:

1. EXTRACT orbiter100830.zip
2. EXECUTE OrbiterSound40_20121120_setup.exe (follow the prompts, and don't do config setups for now).
3. EXTRACT D3D9ClientR12.zip
4. EXTRACT HUDDrawerSDK-v.0.3.zip
5. EXTRACT ModuleMessagingSDK-v.1.1.zip
6. EXTRACT cssc_v1_0_2.zip
7. EXTRACT Wideawake_International.zip
10. EXTRACT Themis-A_1_01.zip
11. EXTRACT HCLV_Hyperion_v1_02.zip
12. EXTRACT HCLV-4-Sidemount.zip
13. ZIP-EXECUTE SpaceTugs_4.zip (select extract all, and skip replacing one duplicate file (readme.txt) - i.e. don't overwrite)
14. EXTRACT SpacStationModules.zip (skip replacing isspanel.dds)
15. EXTRACT CMG v2.0.zip
16. ZIP-EXECUTE UniversalRMS3.zip (select extract all, and skip replacing one duplicate file (readme.txt) - i.e. don't overwrite)
17. EXTRACT XR2Ravenstar-1.6a.zip
18. EXTRACT XR5Vanguard-1.9a.zip (replace the 4 files)
19. EXTRACT Velcro Rockets.zip (skip the two overwrites: issb.dds, ssmec.dds)
20. EXTRACT M-II_Negi-5.zip
21. EXECUTE UCGO30_2010_20140109.exe (it should not need to do any patching)
22. EXTRACT AeroBrake0.96.2.zip (skip the readme.txt conflict)
23. EXTRACT AttitudeMFD_V3.2_20072912.zip
24. EXTRACT LaunchMFD-v.1.6.2-2010.zip
25. EXTRACT BaseSyncMFD23.zip
26. EXTRACT RV Orientation V3.01.zip
27. EXTRACT GS2_3_2013.12.01b.zip
28. ZIP-EXECUTE PayloadManagerForOrbiter.zip
29. EXTRACT Negishima.zip
30. EXTRACT BurnTimeCalcMFD-v.2.7.zip <<< Newly added (July 5th)
31. EXTRACT Transx-2014.04.26-Auto-Center-fix.zip <<< Newly added (July 5th)
32. EXTRACT ScreenCapture.zip <<< Newly added (July 5th)


If you are running Orbiter on Windows 8 or 8.1,

Go to your OFSS IV root, and run Orbiter_NG.exe. (If you have an older PC unable to run DirectX 9, then just use Orbiter.exe instead. It'll work, but it will not be as fast or as pretty and using DirectX 9).

Select the Modules tab, and switch on the following:

D3D9 Client (Orbiter_NG.exe)

On the Parameters tab:
- Enable Complex flight model, Damage and failure simulation, and Limited fuel
- Enable Nonspherical gravity sources, Raditation pressure and Gravity-gradient torque
Instruments and panels:
- Set MFD refresh to 0.1 (or whatever low interval your hardware can take)

On Visual Effects
- Set ambient light level to 50. (A bit more light helps with seeing things at night!)

On Video
- Set the screen as you prefer - e.g. Full Screen at your native resolution
- (Orbiter_NG.exe only) go to Advanced and click Create symbolic links, Yes, OK, and OK.

On Joystick
- Set up if you have a joystick.

On Scenarios
- Select XR5 Vanguard, Ready for Takeoff to ISS

Launch Orbiter

If you end up in the XR-5, with sounds working, then congratulations, you have installed the platform. If you get any errors complaining about a missing MSVCRTxxx.DLL, (e.g. MSVCRT100.DLL), then execute vcredist_x86.EXE from your repo and try again.

If you get any random crashes that you can't shake out, then here's a tip from Metallica787:
Go to Orbiter.exe (or Orbiter_NG.exe), right mouse and select Troubleshoot Compatibility. Windows will figure out the appropriate compatibility settings to run the executable under (e.g. Windows Vista mode or Windows XP mode). Use its recommended settings.


If you follow this post carefully, then you should be all set. Feel free to ask any questions or point out any errors.

Andrew (ADSWNJ)
May 24th 2014 (updated June 22nd 2014, July 5th 2014)
Last edited:


HUMONGOUS IMS shipbuilder
Jul 14, 2012
Reaction score
IMS RC 9 needs a special version of DX9

Just so everyone realizes this, IMS RC9 needs the DX9 version that was 'fixed' so that it will work. There should be a link to it on the IMS RC9 thread front page.

If you use the 'default' DX9 then Orbiter will CTD sooner or later if you are using IMS modules.

HUMONGOUS IMS shipbuilder


Addon Developer
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
Just so everyone realizes this, IMS RC9 needs the DX9 version that was 'fixed' so that it will work. There should be a link to it on the IMS RC9 thread front page.

If you use the 'default' DX9 then Orbiter will CTD sooner or later if you are using IMS modules.

HUMONGOUS IMS shipbuilder

Hi Dantassii - thanks for the heads up. Can you find a link to the specific version that is preferred, and I'll update the OP.

---------- Post added at 12:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 AM ----------

P.s. The link I included goes to this page: http://ge.tt/8QSoFhh1/v/0?c

Which seems like a very new and updated version of IMS RC9 9 (22nd May 2014), so we may well have a good solution already.


HUMONGOUS IMS shipbuilder
Jul 14, 2012
Reaction score
P.s. The link I included goes to this page: http://ge.tt/8QSoFhh1/v/0?c

Which seems like a very new and updated version of IMS RC9 9 (22nd May 2014), so we may well have a good solution already.

I don't know if they have incorporated all the IMS fixes into the latest DX9 release or not. When I need to download a DX9, I always download the one from the link in the first page of the RC9 thread. If the link to the special DX9 has been removed, then I would assume that the latest official DX9 release has incorporated the changes into it.

From what I understand it wasn't that big of a change, but it was critical for IMS.

HUMONGOUS IMS Shipbuilder :)lol: And I ain't kidding!:facepalm:)


Unicorn hunter
Addon Developer
Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
Ignore this post, you can now get the installer from OrbitHangar: [ame="http://orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=6563"]CsvInstall[/ame]

Castor & ADSWNJ, if you could please test this...

OFSS-IV Add-on Downloader

This utility will automatically download and install Orbiter and all add-ons required by the OFSS-IV project.

How do I use this?

Extract the attached zip and run OFSS-IV-downloader.exe. Grab a coffee and follow on-screen instructions.

The program will ask you for the installation directory. If you specify e.g. c:\ofss, it will create three directories:

c:\ofss\repo - this directory contains downloaded add-ons
c:\ofss\orbiter - this directory contains the Orbiter installation with all add-ons extracted
c:\ofss\tmp - temporary directory which will be removed after the program finishes

The program will download all add-ons into "repo" directory and then extract them into "orbiter" directory, (hopefully) in the right order.

Will add-ons be downloaded every time the program is run?

No. The script will look under the "repo" directory (see above) and download the files only if (a) the file is missing or (b) size of the file on disk and on server is different.

What if there is a download error?

Re-run the program. It will try to re-download incomplete file.

I have already downloaded add-ons.

You can put your files in the "repo" subdirectory, put you must rename them to the names program uses, not the file names on various servers. Please see the source code for information. A line like this:

Download("http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=6036", "Themis.zip")

means that a file downloaded from http://www.orbithangar.com/download.php?ID=6036 (i.e. Themis-A) should be named "Themis.zip".

Where is the source?

Look under "source" directory in the zip file. You will need Autoit (it's free).
Last edited:


Addon Developer
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
Castor & ADSWNJ, if you could please test this...

OFSS-IV Add-on Downloader

This utility will automatically download and install Orbiter and all add-ons required by the OFSS-IV project.

Very cool. I want to spend more time looking at this language and seeing what it can do!

A couple of comments ... you'll notice in my manual script, I ask people to ZIP-EXECUTE things versus ZUP unpack them. This is because the zip is a wrapped .exe, and the .exe needs to be executed and a few yes/no/ok buttons pressed. Can you do a second draft that can deal with this?

It would also be great if the input was a parameterized CSV file so non-coders can update it and reuse it. And is it possible to parallelize the downloads (especially for the bigger files), to get as much down as possible as fast as possible?

Love it though ... this language is a nice blend of VBscript/JavaScript and a testing tool like WinRunner.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
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kamaz, from what I've seen so far, your program looks good. As of now, I'm stuck in my dormitory and the internet connection here is :censored: slow. Something that I wanted to add : Wouldn't it be more prudent to download the DGIV package for UMMU rather than UCGO ? It takes a lot more time to download.

@ADSWNJ, same question as above, is also addressed to you.

---------- Post added at 12:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ----------

28. ZIP-EXECUTE PayloadManagerForOrbiter.zip

This is already done when Space Tugs are installed.

Anyway, great work guys.


Addon Developer
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
Note ... Negishima now added to the download instructions per Castor, and for completeness, the PayloadManagerforOrbiter (to be sure, to be sure, as the Irish would say!)

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 PM ----------

Is there a way to pull UMMU by itself? I'm happy to switch to the DGIV package if not.


Unicorn hunter
Addon Developer
Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
A couple of comments ... you'll notice in my manual script, I ask people to ZIP-EXECUTE things versus ZUP unpack them. This is because the zip is a wrapped .exe, and the .exe needs to be executed and a few yes/no/ok buttons pressed. Can you do a second draft that can deal with this?

The installers can be scripted (with the unfortunate exception of dansteph's installers). I will look into that in the evening.

It would also be great if the input was a parameterized CSV file so non-coders can update it and reuse it. And is it possible to parallelize the downloads (especially for the bigger files), to get as much down as possible as fast as possible?

Both are doable. Parallel downloading however requires a much more complicated control logic. I will look into that.

In the mean time, can you verify if the simulation environment gets set up correctly?


Addon Developer
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
In the mean time, can you verify if the simulation environment gets set up correctly?

Working with Castor on the other thread to debug an issue with the OFSS.zip, then trying to get my mission launched, then back to this :). All with real life closing in on me for this launch window


shoemaker without legs
Addon Developer
Mar 19, 2008
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between the planets
I don't know if they have incorporated all the IMS fixes into the latest DX9 release or not.

It's in the code base as far as I know, but the current stable version is still D3D9 RC12, which does not yet incorporate the fix.

Also note that there is not a different version of D3D9 client in the IMS thread. It's only a patch that replaces the RC12 dll, but the client has other files coming with it that are not included. So the correct steps are to first install D3D9 RC12, then the IMS compatibility patch (not the other way round, that won't work). As soon as there will be a new stable version of D3D9 client available, the patch won't be neccessary anymore, but unless you check out the current code and build it yourself the patch is still a must.


New member
May 19, 2014
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Madrid, Spain
One quick feedback from someone here:

I got my system setup and running. This means I have just started the vanguard scenario with sound. Still everything else to check, but looks OK so far.
From a customer satisfaction point of view, I found this guide as an easy one that gets me in after just a while of downloading and decompressing. Not a big deal.


Now I have to say I migh have run onto some installation error: I got my system crashing after startup. I noticed that I missed the Themis module, so I downloaded and extracted it. Then another crash. The log told me someting about the vanguard, so I overwrote the vanguard and the thing was fixed.
I think that this is NOT an error in the guide, but obviously mine, having missed the Themis during the installation process.
Bottom line: still with that, an easy setup.

A big thank you!


HUMONGOUS IMS shipbuilder
Jul 14, 2012
Reaction score
It's in the code base as far as I know, but the current stable version is still D3D9 RC12, which does not yet incorporate the fix.

Also note that there is not a different version of D3D9 client in the IMS thread. It's only a patch that replaces the RC12 dll, but the client has other files coming with it that are not included. So the correct steps are to first install D3D9 RC12, then the IMS compatibility patch (not the other way round, that won't work). As soon as there will be a new stable version of D3D9 client available, the patch won't be neccessary anymore, but unless you check out the current code and build it yourself the patch is still a must.

Thanks for the clarification Jedidia. I've not had to do a clean install/creation of an Orbiter Directory in over a year now (almost 2). I keep piling on the add-ons as I go.

HUMONGOUS IMS shipbuilder


Addon Developer
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
One quick feedback from someone here:

I got my system setup and running. This means I have just started the vanguard scenario with sound. Still everything else to check, but looks OK so far.
From a customer satisfaction point of view, I found this guide as an easy one that gets me in after just a while of downloading and decompressing. Not a big deal.


Now I have to say I migh have run onto some installation error: I got my system crashing after startup. I noticed that I missed the Themis module, so I downloaded and extracted it. Then another crash. The log told me someting about the vanguard, so I overwrote the vanguard and the thing was fixed.
I think that this is NOT an error in the guide, but obviously mine, having missed the Themis during the installation process.
Bottom line: still with that, an easy setup.

A big thank you!

Serolrom - thanks for the message. This makes me very happy, that you can set up your environment without too much trouble using these instructions. I've been working with Castor to sort out a couple of minor issues in the OFSS.zip package, so pull down the latest one from the Roll Call original post, and you should be in good shape.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
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The Themis second stage, if left in orbit after payload detachment, causes a random CTD sometime later on in the scenario. The Orbiter log shows nothing anomalous.
I'm not sure if it's a problem on my side or if it's a compatibility issue with some addon. Has anyone else experienced such a problem ?

Any clarification is appreciated.


Unicorn hunter
Addon Developer
Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
The OFSS-IV installer is now available!



Addon Developer
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
The Themis second stage, if left in orbit after payload detachment, causes a random CTD sometime later on in the scenario. The Orbiter log shows nothing anomalous.
I'm not sure if it's a problem on my side or if it's a compatibility issue with some addon. Has anyone else experienced such a problem ?

Any clarification is appreciated.

No problems on my mission with any Themis-related CTD's.