Recent content by abninf

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    Spacecraft Interior?

    I always liked this video YouTube - James Burke takes us Inside the Apollo Command Module
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    News How come you didn't see the whole of the Moon?

    41 years later and he still has to deal with silly questions
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    News Michael Bay to shoot "Transformers 3" at the Cape

    I'm willing to bet it is supposed to be the SIM bay (even though only 15, 16, and 17 had one), and not a blown out panel.
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    News Small plane engine failure

    Since Hielor actually has a PPL and real world aircraft experience, I will side with him.
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    News Space tourism coming soon!!!

    Commercial Astronaut. I read an explanation as to why somewhere, but I don't remember where. Buzz also thinks they shouldn't be called just an Astronaut
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    Question If you were the first person on Mars what would you say?

    "Someone get that kid off the set!"
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    News Space tourism coming soon!!!

    Wonder what the price tag will be for a ride on the CST-100 to a Bigelow hotel.. Way out of my price range I bet :lol:
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    How would a war between N.Korea, China and USA be fought?

    :facepalm: I wish I was given amps during my deployments
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    News Space tourism coming soon!!!

    Well according to the Armadillo forum, they aren't using that design anymore. I couldn't find any pictures of it online, but it's the one in this video: (Towards the beginning of the video. Don't know why they show the old design at the end)
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    News Space tourism coming soon!!!

    First post for me! Personally, I would rather do a suborbital flight with Space Adventures. I know they're still working out their design and all of that with Armadillo Aerospace, but I much prefer the vertical takeoff and the big bubble dome thing as opposed to what XCOR and Virgin have for...