Recent content by MetalheadOC

  1. M

    General Question Solar eclipse - what to expect

    I assume the same would hold true for trying to observe a lunar eclipse from the Moon? (I'll be sleeping through the actual one in a couple hours, but it got me thinkin...)
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    Velcro Rockets

    That seems to be coming from Orbiter if I save the .scn in-sim. Popped up in another .scn too, but doesn't seem to be causing any trouble there. Rotation still not right here. Tried 1 & -1 in both the first & second positions of the last 3 digits, it just rotates the dome around the vertical...
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    Velcro Rockets

    Thank you, that worked nicely. Sigh. Just when I think I'm getting it figured out. I'm trying to get that "Dome1" to sit "flat" on the stage, just rotate it 90* about the Z axis, and the trig has me stymied again. Lil' help please? :hailprobe: Dome1:BCP01 STATUS Orbiting Earth RPOS...
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    Velcro Rockets

    OK, nevermind about the fairings, figured out how to get it to work like I wanted, disgustingly easy too with how I had it set up. :facepalm: So my last problem, if you please, is that the autopilot seems to have a mind of its own now. No matter what I set the launch azimuth to, whether in the...
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    Velcro Rockets

    I'm trying that now, but not sure how to make it work right. My payloads are strapped to both sides of the Energia core. So I need pairs of fairing to jettison in the same direction. ie, two to the "left," two to the "right," as opposed to "left, right, up and down" like a normal 4-part...
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    Velcro Rockets

    What's the proper syntax for the PRPLEVEL call? If I set up fairings as "stages," parallel burn to the Energia-M, JETT_ON_EMPTy 0, will they then separate along with it?
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    Velcro Rockets

    Thank youuuu! Sorry, math was never one of my strong points... if you need literary analysys & copy editing of a manual, or mechanical work on an actualrocket,that I can help you with.:blush: Almost finished here... now that the boosters are in the right place, I'd like to get them to...
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    Velcro Rockets

    Never did take trig :facepalm: So, if the first booster is in the right place at 4 0 1, what should it's rotation #'s be, and what should be the #'s of the next booster?
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    Velcro Rockets

    OK... making slow progress, bear with me here.. (no one told me there was algebra involved in this! I want my money back!) So the first string of 3 digits is the position, and the second string of 3 in the same line is the rotation, yes? How does the rotation part of it work? I tried setting...
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    Velcro Rockets

    Ah so. I thot it was a little fishy that 2/3rds of a Proton could put a fully fueled 2nd stage in orbit. Like the man said, I think I'm gonna need a bigger rocket :rofl: Which brings me to my next question :hail: Below is a short snippit of .scn I'm trying to figure out how to make a nice...
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    Velcro Rockets

    Yup sure did. Just tried a couple more times, can't even get half way to orbital speed. Used to make it with fuel to spare. The "transstage" is nothing but a Proton second stage with a docking port & bigger RCS thursters. BEGIN_DESC END_DESC BEGIN_ENVIRONMENT System Sol Date MJD...
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    Velcro Rockets

    Well I did a quick test with the Transstage stack, and the docking port works (more or less :blink:), but something's not right, cuz now it can't even get close to orbit, whereas before it got there with fuel to spate?
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    OHM Generic Station UMMU/UCGO Support

    Drat, Ok thanx. Actually I was going for the opposite effect, I wanted UCGO capability but not UMMU :facepalm:
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    OHM Generic Station UMMU/UCGO Support

    Hi, I'm trying to get this to work with a Velco Proton 3rd stage, and I get nothing. Could it be related to this fellow's question?
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    Velcro Rockets

    GETDOCKINGPORTS not workin' Hi all, first time post here, hope this is the right thread to drop this one... Was really hoping I could figure this out without the old "Post on a new forum & wait for someone smarter than myself to come along" routine, but so be it. Having a bugger of a time...