Recent content by OrbitalJoe

  1. OrbitalJoe

    Problem My mesh textures don't show up

    Ok, I did what everyone said and still no result. So I decided to redo everything (re-export in Anim8or, re-convert with mesh maker) and voila, the textures showed up. I have NO idea what caused it originally, but it's fixed now. Thanks for your support :cheers: -OrbitalJoe
  2. OrbitalJoe

    Orbiter Video Thread

    Here's my orbiter videos. Sometimes I wish I had something better than windows movie maker... Here's the first I made, quite old now: Here's another... And my Vostok tribute! -OrbitalJoe
  3. OrbitalJoe

    Problem My mesh textures don't show up

    Ok, I did what martins said and have confirmed this is a mesh problem, not the textures as they work fine on other meshes. I'm going to need a little help sorting the mesh out, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'texture coordinates' and 'definintion of vertices'. I'm new to all this and...
  4. OrbitalJoe

    Orbiter demotivators

  5. OrbitalJoe

    Hello from the UK!

    Just posting to say hi, as I am new here. I live in the UK, I'm 13 years old and am obsessed with everything spaceflight, aerospace and rocketry. I am currently building a hybrid rocket motor (or engine, the terminology debate rages on :) ) running on nitrous oxide and high density polyethylene...
  6. OrbitalJoe

    Problem My mesh textures don't show up

    I was (attempting) to make a vessel with my own mesh, but have run into trouble with the textures. I've followed all found instructions but my textures just don't show up. Instead, the model is just silver all over. I've probaly made a mistake somewhere along the line, so here is exactly what I...