Recent content by Revolpathon

  1. R

    Question PC advice

    with generic back up i take it it should be able to play the latest games but it doesnt have to have all the crisp graphics you'd demand from your main pc. i did a quick google search as i'm not all that on the up and up graphic card wise but the ati radeon 7770 seems like a good choice for...
  2. R

    Question PC advice

    depends on what you want to do with it, for running orbiter with earth l11 you'd need a new pc, but for your usual day to day pc use that excludes the latest games on high graphics you should be fine with more ram and a new vid card. and that system will run win7 64 bit just fine :)
  3. R

    Idea Stargate Atlantis City

    isn't it easier to create the city in segments using ucgo, that way you have several vessels that when all docked together would make up the the city ship, that would negate the high polycount of 1 huge model since you have several smaller models docked together, and creating the virtual...
  4. R

    Question Sts guidance MFD

    i learned how to align plane's and sync orbit's and docking with the iss from Tex's video tutorial using the dg4, the only difference being is that the ssme's are at a 15 degree angle which you have to take into acount during your burns (so not keeping the prograde AP on but only using it to get...
  5. R

    Humor Random Comments Thread

    i just played orbiter from a 6 month hiatus... launched a dg4 into orbit using the AP then spawned an ucgo arrow on the moon, flew it into orbit (1st time flying with the arrow... it handles like a dream) changed the inclination to 0 degrees on a 200x200 km orbit, then flew the dg4 to the arrow...
  6. R

    Project Moonwalk video game

    true enough on the modding of half life part. the potential of the half life engine is incredible to say the least (though it's unsuitable for a game like this, it would need a good deal of rewriting if space flight is going to be covered extensively in the game) on the engine thing though...
  7. R

    My first simpit!

    if you feel confident enough it might actually be cheaper to keep your current pc case but replace everything in it. since you would only have to buy a motherboard, cpu, ram and a vid card you could be done in under 400 pounds, or even below 300 if you manage to find good parts 2nd hand...
  8. R

    Project Moonwalk video game

    urwumpe: you make excellent points, i personally never got into AMSO or it's counterpart, though i have it on my system and toyed with it, (i like to figure things out without the manual) and not being able to fly a flight from the earth to the moon and back without using the glass cockpit...
  9. R

    My first simpit!

    maybe if you budget allows it why not get 2 actual MFD's? (i have no idea how expensive they are) the price that i could find was around 61 euro's so that would be aorund 70 quid or thereabouts. edit: @ hielor, the converters ussually...
  10. R

    Project Moonwalk video game

    holding it to AMSO standard (which is high) also means holding it to orbiter standards (learning curve that scare's people off) it's obviously meant as a commercial product of a B type quality, having a steep learning curve in a game is suicide for a commercial product. i agree on the graphics...
  11. R

    My first simpit!

    some tips for the dual monitor set up, and i have no idea if it's possible since i don't have 2 monitors but run the grahpics side of orbiter on 1 screen in windowed mode, maximize that and then adjust your screen (with the buttons on the monitor itself) so that it appears full screen...
  12. R

    Project Moonwalk video game

    looks interesting, but having played around with orbiter, this would seem more of a dissapointment since the entire flight thingy is more than likely not in the game, and if it is not as realistic as it is, and the graphics in some parts are nice looking, better than in orbiter the space...
  13. R

    Internet Video Thread

    another loonatic claiming to have found a secret NASA moon base :rofl: note that the image's were provided by nasa themselve's :P
  14. R

    OFSS Post Flight Scenarios

    Mission 31 was completed succesfully BEGIN_DESC Orbiter saved state at T = 27197 END_DESC BEGIN_ENVIRONMENT System Sol Date MJD 55253.1969210440 END_ENVIRONMENT BEGIN_FOCUS Ship GL-02 END_FOCUS BEGIN_CAMERA TARGET GL-02 MODE Cockpit FOV 60.00 END_CAMERA BEGIN_HUD TYPE Surface...
  15. R

    OFSS Pilot Briefing Room

    i just landed at wideawake international. will post mission scenario tomorrow and screenshots and flight summary will follow shortly as well. no mIRC coverage, because i didn't use a checklist (i always fly the steps from the top of my head) and i got burned for not having a checklists...