Recent content by sottaceto

  1. S

    General Question Translation mode RCS

    I think this module is not working with the new version of orbiter... is there any chance to have it fixed?
  2. S

    Software terrain height issue

    it gives this error in every scenarios. For example in Bringhton Beach scenario. The strange thing is that in orbiter 2010 there is no such problem (instruments indicate 0 on the ground). In 2016 instruments indicates -2.56Km. The problem of the landing gear probably was due to DV4 addon (which...
  3. S


    Hello to everybody! i'm a orbiter user since it's first release but it has been a while since i last played it! well now i'm back! Happy orbiting to everyone!
  4. S

    Software terrain height issue

    Hello! I've just upgraded to orbiter 2016 and i noticed a problem while landing on the moon. When i'm on the ground the altimeter shows an altitude of -2.5km ( so i'm below the terrain). While passing the zero altitude the landing gear broke up. Is there a solution? thankyou!