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Nex'Orbiter with OMX Nex'Orbiter with OMX v1.1.1

still minor bugs that I could not fix right now:
1) at startup: connect => (it seems to be locked) => disconnect > reconnect... then, demo is launched => exit => connect again. Should solve the issue for future connections.
2) if disconnected or CTD and you try to reconnect, nothing happens... exit and check in Task manager that Orbiter is actually shut off, then retry.
3) if disconnected or CTD and you try to reconnect, then you get "===== Join error ====", then in the 1-line field, input:
 \lv "<Name>" "<Password>"
then [Enter], you should get "KICK OK", then disconnect and reconnect (e.g.: \lv "Alice" "toto")
Addon presentation was edited, please read it. New features in OMX v1.1.0:
  • MFD STC shows if a vessel is locally controlled and if it is grounded (landed)
  • Shorter GINFO sent (extended only in "transfer")
  • Landed status reviewed and extended (inspired by ParkingBrake)
  • More stability in vessel transfers, keeping thrust or parking status
  • (fix) vessel status on non-spherical surfaces managed locally and shared remotely
  • (fix) remote vessel suspended and/or jittering above surface
  • (fix) while transfering, prevented the ghost from tumbling like crazy
  • (for devs) Review of the Critical Sections calls, with Logging at level 5
  • Note: user account management is implemented but not deployed yet.
(still alpha version) For some reason, a file did not survive the zip/unzip process.
Hence, download in "History" tag the fix 1.0.1 for OMX, i.e. the file "Orbiter.Multiplayer.client.dll" and place / replace it into Modules/Plugin/DotNET of your Obiter 2016 + OMX 1.0.0.

If it works for you, please add a "rating" for the next orbinauts to install it as well.
I hope I will find out soon what's wrong while zipping/unzipping this file specifically.