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  1. alrik

    Project Preparing the hidden base for UCGO and UMMU support

    While I wait Dan's next beta I'm doing some changes at my Hidden Base in order to put consoles that can be activated with an UMMU to open/close the doors. Retexturing and also preparing a door where the UMMU's can enter and relax. What you think? Any suggestions?
  2. alrik

    Next orbiter features?

    Hi everybody, I would like to know what exactly are the features for the next orbiter, just to know what to expect in SDK as well. This features can be gathered onto the next orbiter information post I guess.
  3. alrik

    New Release Hidden Base v1.0

    This will add a hidden base under a mountain in your scenario editor to allow deploy where you want. Orbithangar mirror: Hidden Base 1.0 Just download and install it in your orbiter main folder. The base works with the 1 to 5 keys to...
  4. alrik

    Problem Blender UV texturing issue

    Im having problems with the texture of a flag in orbiter. Well I've done the texturing in blender and so but when I export to orbiter the flag only shows one side :S it's pretty strange. When I see the flag in blender it shows as it is (Two sided) but in orbiter looks like the image :S Any...
  5. alrik

    [ESP] Nueva comunidad de orbiter

    Hola a todos los hispano-parlantes, quiero comentaros que yo y unos amigos de Sondasespaciales hemos empezado una comunidad del orbiter en una web, la verdad tenemos muchas ganas. Tenemos una especie de centro de control hecho con una clase en PHP que hice hace tiempo llamada orbconnect y ahora...
  6. alrik


    Well I know here in this community there are a lot of software developers. And I really will appreciate your oppinion about my latest project. Not valid for orbiter itself. But if you have programs developed and you are really tired that the people can hack or pirate it easily. Try this...
  7. alrik

    Project OrbiterStudio 0.1

    ¿Can someone test this thing? It's just a little remote data extractor from orbconnect. But i need to know if there are problems with the miles separator. In my country we use the dot (.) and to separate the float we use the coma (,) I dont...
  8. alrik

    GetElements (2)

    Well I get an array from GetElements (2) but I dont know wich data is each one. Can anybody help me? Array ( [0] => Earth [1] => 3189748.063778 [2] => 0.997340 [3] => 0.730791 [4] => 2.394652 [5] => 0.223502 [6] => 3.365095 [7] => 0.000000 [8] => 0 [9] =>...