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  1. M

    Multiple Joysticks OR Joy API extensions request

    I think we are basically saying the same thing. Getting or setting vessel specific features is not always possible especially if no key binding or API is provided. I took a look at our code and it is doing the same thing as hotas, just hard-coded. My concept is to allow remapping of the...
  2. M

    Multiple Joysticks OR Joy API extensions request

    Hi All- I have uploaded the latest version of HOTAS on a Google Drive. Whoever is interested in giving it a go and provide feedback can drop me a line and I will send them a link. The main reason why I am not uploading it to hangar mod is that I want to make sure it is in reasonable shape...
  3. M

    Multiple Joysticks OR Joy API extensions request

    I'll try and put something together during the week-end ...
  4. M

    Multiple Joysticks OR Joy API extensions request

    And here is the attachment ... maybe .. you can guess I do not spend a lot of time in forums ..
  5. M

    Multiple Joysticks OR Joy API extensions request

    Multiple Joystick support Hi All- I actually have developed a plug-in for supporting multiple joysticks, with the ability to switch the mapping on the fly according to what you are doing (orbital maneuvers vs atmospheric flight). I use it all the time for my own amusement. It was almost done...
  6. M

    Project Modular Simpit Controller - Version 0.1

    Hi Zatnikitelman I am currently working on a Joystick support add-on that does exactly that (HOTAS, see my post on this forum a few days ago). You can map the same joystick button to different keystroke for each vessel class and even have different mapping for the same vessel class that you can...
  7. M

    Project HOTAS - A new add-on to provide comprehensive Joystick support

    Update Hi All- I have a preview version available now. If anyone fancies giving it a go before christmas please drop me a note in the next few days. I will be off-line for two weeks around xmas. I have attached the manual to give everyone a better idea of what it is.
  8. M

    Project HOTAS - A new add-on to provide comprehensive Joystick support

    Hello All- I have enjoyed flying with Orbiter on and off since some quite early version and it is time to give something back to the community. I always find the build-in joystick support quite minimal and the use of FlyByWire + Joy2Key a bit too fiddly. I wanted something better and more...