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  1. X

    Problem D3D9 _n textures messed up

    Hi all, been away from Orbiter a while, but now I'm using it again and I love the D3D9r12! looks so good. Just have an issue with base textures at night. The base here is a version of Brighton I made back with Orbiter 2006. I understand the solar plants and trains don,t work using the...
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    Flight Question Direct reentry Moon>Earth or other

    Hi all Orbinauts, I have a question re a specific part of the direct reentry setup for say moon to earth but would also like to be able to apply to say an Earth to Mars trip. I have searched "Direct Reentry" and have found a few informative threads but they don't answer my specific question. I...
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    Question XR2 Mission Elapsed Timer issue

    Hi, Just a quick question about the M.E.T for the XR2 (Original Orbiter) I've notice in some scenarios I've created and/or changed by either adding an XR2 or changing the date when one was already in there etc.. The Mission Elapsed Timer stops initiating at wheel's up. I've noticed that the...
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    General Question Mouse Pointer Woes

    Well this is embarrassing. Dumb question comin' up... The mouse pointer; isn't it supposed to disappear when not in use? I honestly forget. I've used Orbiter since before the Sept 2006 build but I leave then come back and so forth (it's always on my puter). But I've just come back to it...
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    Question Proper Planet Approach

    Hi all, I've used IMFD for years now and don't have any real problems with it , but I'm curious to know if I can use it more efficiently. Example situation: A simple flight from moon to earth in say an Aries II from WO2001, but I wish to do my orbit insert around the Earth so it matches the...
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    General Question IDS/XPDR numbers & XR2

    The title incorrectly implies a relationship between the two, but in fact I have two newbish questions: one dealing with IDS numbers and the other dealing with the XR2. 1)How to decode the XPDR & IDS numbers? I'm back into Orbiter once again after a long hiatus but I've never found the answer...
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    General Question Orbital Calculator anywhere?

    Does anyone know of a program or even an MFD that will show the planet positions over time so one can pick a good date for a particular trip? It doesn't have to be Orbiter based like an MFD. I would just like some program that I can run that shows the date and planet positions relative to...
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    Assorted Add-On Questions

    Hey all, I didn't want to create a seperate thread for each of these add-ons as they're somewhat banal questions and shouldn't ellicit too complex a response. but with regard to... IMFD 5.1m: You don't need an earlier version of IMFD installed for it to run is that correct? I took out all...
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    Re: The small "moons"

    Re: The small "moons" I suppose this comes under the heading of the "outer planets" add-on. K so I just took my first trip out to Neptune with the Deepstar2 and 2 DGIV's attached. Set up a nice Orbit at approx 22.00M. This put me within close reach of Despina, Naiad, Thalassa and not too far...
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    Reducing Orbital "tumble"

    hey all, Figured this was the better place to pose this question as it has to do with the physics of mass in space/orbiter. I've recently spent hours of fun building a new station using Greg Burch's great Building Building Blocks 4.0/4.1 add-on. All told the station consists of of over 80...
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    Greg Burch's SBB 4.0 & 4.1

    Heya all, Just had two questions. 1) What's the limiting number of vessels in a specific scenario file? Sorry if this a newb question, I did know the answer at one point, but I've been a way from Orbiter for a while. I checked the Orbiter scenario.pdf and didn't see the answer there. Is it...
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    Adding more than 1 Airdock2 or Celestium3

    Oo, my first post on the new? forum. Hey all. I realize the forum has been around for a while, but I've been away from Orbiter for a long time. Luckily I've always made a backup of the default Orbiter 2006 P1 files plus another backup of the actual version of Orbiter with the all the addons...