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  1. cinder1992

    Question Turning off Aero in Windows 7 Home.

    how do I turn off aero (and explorer in general) in windows 7? I want to do what I did with my XP system and just have a blue desktop and a command prompt open when I boot up, no start bar, no icons, just a simple window and solid colour background.
  2. cinder1992

    API Question Intercommunication between LUA and orbiter

    Erm, right. I'm having some trouble with a project that i'm doing. I know it's possible to send data to a LUA script from an OAPI (Orbiter API) DLL, but is it possible for a LUA script to return data to the OAPI dll? I could never figure this one out. I need this info or I might have to make a...
  3. cinder1992

    Lego spacecraft

    In my off-time (9:00pm to 3:00am) I like to sometimes play with a box of legos that I've had for several years, and over those years I've made some pretty impressive spaceships... five to be exact (well, four now, the fifth was so small that it disappeared pretty quickly). I have just today...
  4. cinder1992

    Discussion Passive multiplayer

    NOTE TO ADMIN: If I put this in the wrong place, feel free to move it. Currently, OMP utilizes a form of P2P multiplayer. Given the fact that this has multiple problems in the long run (MJD calibration, data loss, network lag, etc. etc.), and the fact that Orbiter has built in physics, I...
  5. cinder1992

    Project Universal Vector Graphics Computer for Orbiter

    In the temporary postponement of the Shuttle-A MK4 project due to several glitches and problems (WHEN I SAY 2 I WANT 2, NOT 90), I have separated the computer into a new project, the Universal Vector Graphics Computer for Orbiter or UVGCO for short (let's play spot the pun :D) UVGCO is basicly...
  6. cinder1992

    Blog movement

    I've moved my blog to a more public location. I'm now contributing to the blogosphere more than usual. cheers. :cheers:
  7. cinder1992

    awkwardness with a quite clever AI.

    wow... WOW. I found this site that has a very clever AI. that was the first time that I have ever talked to an AI, damn, that thing nearly passed the Turing test on my account. I decided to test how clever it is with a bit of a quantum mechanics question... and it got a bit awkward in the end...
  8. cinder1992

    NATO, SX-62, and Dell.

    sorry for not posting for a while, still coming to terms with sleep deprivation. I'm still on vacation, but things are getting hectic. we are currently right next to one of the largest NATO supply depots in Europe. the supply plains that fly over are LOUD. oh... my... GOD.... I have gotten my...
  9. cinder1992

    day uno.

    wow, what a day... I will start from the beginning. At about 3:00 AM the fire alarm went off in the hotel, right on time for us to get up. when we got to checkout, the receptionist said "have a nice honeymoon!"... uh, yeah. the look I put on my face horrified her and I think she quit the job...
  10. cinder1992

    Going to the Netherlands, seya in a week

    I'll be in Holland in two days time, visiting a friend (yes, if you read my previous posts, we did settle things out). I have to be up at 4 AM on saturday to catch the plane though, so If I don't post anything, check my twitter at just as a word of caution, I...
  11. cinder1992

    Project Shuttle-A Mk4

    I've decided to announce the "Secret Project" that I'm working on, the Shuttle-A Mk 4. The Shuttle A has evolved over the course of 9 years (I think), and has progressed from being a simple, and blocky, craft to the damage and fuel simulation of the Shuttle-A 2.0 (in reality, it is the third...
  12. cinder1992

    "Secret project" Woes and an announcement

    ugh, I HATE making mesh files, It's always so complicated... I'm more of a coder. I've been working on a "Secret Project" that should have been completed weeks ago, but a combination of small bouts of procrastination and the fact that I cannot make a mesh to save my life has put the project at a...
  13. cinder1992

    The unawnserable question

    Good news: Exams are over and I am officially on summer holidays. Bad news: I've also had the misfortune of having to ask the question that no man should be tortured to ask... "When the :censored: is this bloody :censored:ing Benadryl going to kick in!?!" Yes, you got it, Allergies. I'm going...
  14. cinder1992

    Compiz-Fusion? More like Compiz-Brain_Fuse-Blowout-Party

    weeeeeel, how do I start. this is so embarrassing... I decided today to install the Compiz-Fusion, all wen't well, got it configured... and when I started it up (now it IS suppose to be compatible with gnome) BOOM, no window borders. went completely through the "common mistakes" and...
  15. cinder1992

    Orbiter 2010 in Linux

    Orbiter 2010 P1, Running under Linux. The easiest and by-far fastest way to run Orbiter on Linux is to run it on Wine, in this guide I'll take you through the steps on getting orbiter up-and-running. Step 0: A quick note about this tutorial. During this tutorial I'll assume you know at...
  16. cinder1992

    Goodbye, old friend...

    well, this takes the :censored:ing biscuit. I screwed windows, permanently (destroyed the windows folder after a defrag-crash). I had to re-install Arch Linux as I need something to run. the :censored:ing thing can't see my desktop resolution, so it runs at 1024x768 (this has been fixed since...
  17. cinder1992

    I'm scared...

    Ok, to put this frankly, my life has hit a brick wall at 90mph. My mother Is dating this guy, who is the biggest self-serving :censored: there is. My step-father and her broke up, and we agreed that that was fine, but my father has been acting strangely lately. he HIT my 6-year-old sister so...
  18. cinder1992

    There goes the neighbourhood.

    yes, I know, Two posts in one day. but I think my life is shot to hell. Right, for programming class, we had to choose a term assignment, witch included OS theory, Virus programming and prevention, and some other things. Anyway, I was late and got stuck with the second one, I wrote a quite...
  19. cinder1992


    Urrrrrgg. My head is spinning and I have a whopper of a cough. normal cough medicine has done bugger all. my inhaler helped, but that's all. don't make me get started on my nose.
  20. cinder1992

    Short story + Windows seven + weird computer = FAIL

    Oh my probe, I wrote a short story on my computer, and my mother has a networked printer, so I decide to print it. After five minutes, I realise that the damn thing is plugged out, so I logically plug it in, and my mom's computer pops up a fatal error (hers is running seven, not mine... ME all...