Search results

  1. Bibi Uncle

    API Question XRSound dependency on ATL

    Hi, My question can probably only be answered by @dbeachy, but I found out that XRSound.lib has a dependency on ATL (on atls.lib to be precise). I just wanted to make sure that the dependency was intended, because I don't really see why it would be needed. I hit this issue simply because I...
  2. Bibi Uncle

    API Question Does oapiRegisterWindow exist? [Yes, it exists and works perfectly!]

    Hi everyone! My question can probably only be answered by Dr. Martin, but I'll make it public for everybody. Is the function oapiRegisterWindow, defined in the Orbiter API, really do something? It is not documented and I can't find any use of it in any samples. Also, searching for it in the...
  3. Bibi Uncle

    Science A precise description of the future by Arthur C. Clarke

    I saw this video and I absolutly wanted to share it with you. It is a footage of Arthur C. Clarke, author, as probably a lot of you knows, of 2001: A Space Odyssey and other great science-fiction novels. It was shot in 1974. Mr. Clarke predicted very accurately how the computer would enhance our...
  4. Bibi Uncle

    Project MULE

    Hi everyone! I've been working on a project for a few months now, posting on Dan's forum. I totaly forgot to translate the development thread in English here, so I'll be doing it starting from now. Presentation MULE is a project started by Jekka. I made all the meshes and textures and wanted...
  5. Bibi Uncle

    Advanced Question Matrix to Euler angles

    Hi everyone! I need to rotate a ship at its creation by a given angle of pitch, roll and yaw. I send a VECTOR3 that looks like this: _V(90, 0, 0), and my method should rotate the created vessel. I have no knowledge of Euler angles, and only basic knowledge of matrices. I managed to create...
  6. Bibi Uncle

    Removal of the Shuttle Fleet: David413 explains

    David413 posted at Dan's Orbiter Page about his removal of the Shuttle Fleets from Orbit Hangar. Please, take your time reading it completely before posting.
  7. Bibi Uncle

    Easily avoid memory leaks

    Hi! If you are like me and love pointers, you probably found yourself in deep trouble when you have... MEMORY LEAKS!!! What are memory leaks A lot of you have heard this word, but what is it actually? Mermory leaks are memory used by a program, but that is not released to the operating...
  8. Bibi Uncle

    Reusability: A essential concept in Project Mercury

    It's me again! Today, I would like to write about a fundamantal of my main desing of Project Mercury. This concept is called reusability. If you are a bit experienced in object-oriented designs, you probably have heard this word often. Why is it important? Reusability is often an important...
  9. Bibi Uncle

    Objects interaction inside a vessel

    There we are, my first entry about something really related to programming. I found out, working on various testing project that the main problem was interaction between elements in the vessel when we are programming for Orbiter. In this entry, I will explain my idea to correct that problem...
  10. Bibi Uncle


    Hi everyone! This is my first blog entry and I hope it will not be my last one. In this post, I would like to present myself and the project I am currently working one. Presentation of myself I think it is important to present myself in this first entry in order to familiarize yourself with my...
  11. Bibi Uncle

    Meshing Question Materials name are not checked

    Hi everyone ! I'm working on a new version of my Orbiter Mesh Viewer and I try to create a very stable version. So, I double check a lot of things. When we define a material in Orbiter, we also define a name to it. After the flag MATERIALS, there is all the materials name. Then, each...
  12. Bibi Uncle

    Problem Cannot create a mesh group for a panel

    Hi everyone ! I'm currently working on Project Mercury and I have a problem with the panel. I'm trying to create a new VESSEL3 panel. I already did it on a test project and it worked very well. However, I can't do it for Project Mercury. The Mercury capsule inherits of VESSEL3 and in...
  13. Bibi Uncle

    SDK Question SetCameraDefaultDirection not refreshing

    Hello everybody ! I'm currently compiling Project Mercury (yeah, the good old add-on of Mr. Conley) in Orbiter 2010. You can see the development thread here (in French) : Everything works fine, but SetCameraDefaultDirection() is...
  14. Bibi Uncle

    Meshing Question What is the "STATIC" flag ?

    Hello everybody ! I am currently working on a OpenGL Mesh Viewer (you can see my project here : I write in French, I come from Quebec, Canada. However, there's a lot of screenshot.). My program reads the mesh file and...