Meshing Question Materials name are not checked

Bibi Uncle

50% Orbinaut, 50% Developer
Addon Developer
Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
Québec, QC
Hi everyone !

I'm working on a new version of my Orbiter Mesh Viewer and I try to create a very stable version. So, I double check a lot of things.

When we define a material in Orbiter, we also define a name to it. After the flag MATERIALS, there is all the materials name. Then, each material is defined after the flag MATERIAL <material name>. In my previous version, I simply didn't checked the names and I was assuming that the materials were defined in order (which is the case of 99% of the meshes). Now, I compare the material name. So, if you do not define the materials in order, it still works.

However, there is a problem. Orbiter doesn't seem to check the material names neither. For example, open the mesh "deltaglidercockpit.msh" in the subfolder "dg". The first material is "DG4_3D2", but when it is defined later, it is "DG4_3D1". Orbiter loads it normally like any other mesh. It is also the case of "Leonardo_mplm.msh" with the material "issusaf" defined later as "issItalian".

So, do I assume that the materials name are "obsolete" and it is not
necessary to check it, or did I miss something ?